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  • Engaging students through innovative teaching

    We inspire lasting change in the way students are taught by providing professional development programs that equip teachers with practical and effective teaching strategies that engage students in meaningful, academically challenging work.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £6,318.00

    Target: £72,073.00

  • Job Training for poor mother- sick children Brazil

    A family is assisted monthly by Saúde Criança through job training, we provide medicine,food,nutrition, legal and psychologist assistant among other needs.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £5,385.00

    Target: £14,966.00

  • Going to School in India - Mini-Books for Children

    Going to School in India communicates with children about children, working to inspire change in schools by celebrating stories of activity-based learning. It envisions that children can begin to understand each other through what they know, through the shared experience of going to school. Books will be distributed for free to schools in slums & villages in India. Children will read these books and will send us their responses to the books on a postcard.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £9,892.00

    Target: £12,726.00

  • Educate 200 War & HIV/AIDS-Orphaned Ugandan Girl

    200 girls will be withdrawn from exploitative work and provided with education, lunch, school materials, school uniforms and vocational start up kits. Counseling support, school and home visits and basic health care will be offered.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £15,760.00

    Target: £28,740.00

  • Give the Gift of Sight to the poor in India

    Aravind Eye Foundation will provide free vision exams and spectacles for children, comprehensive care for patients with eye cancer and diabetic retinopathy, food and transportation services for poor patients in rural areas, training for doctors and healthcare professionals in other hospitals, funding for research into eye conditions and treatments, and outreach into rural areas.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £17,069.00

    Target: £127,265.00

  • Afghans Learn to Use Computers For Their Jobs

    Computer-training courses at seven locations will help rural and urban, female and male students develop technology skills. Students learn typing, the Internet, Word, and Excel. Afghans with technical skills in computers are immediately employable.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £7,824.00

    Target: £12,171.00

  • Vaccinate Children and Prevent NINE Diseases

    Disease prevention training is provided for health workers, who then provide training for village families. Vaccinations are administered for women and children. The Alliance provides more than 5,000 vaccinations for villagers in 30 villages in and around the Ouelessebougou area. More than 60,000 vaccinations have been provided by the Alliance since 2003.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £9,148.00

    Target: £7,635.00

  • Free Cleft Surgery for 400 Poor Children in India

    Each child who undergoes cleft surgery is given a second chance at life. The surgery takes 45 minutes, but the impact lasts a lifetime. After years of living in shame and isolation, the children can finally go to school and lead happy lives.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £15,929.00

    Target: £45,815.00

  • Help Desperate Families from Pakistan Disasters

    Food, water and shelter- these are the basic necessities of living. AIL will deliver these to the camps near Peshawar and will give hope to families with re-opening school.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £23,881.00

    Target: £30,428.00

  • Solar electricity for 10 low-income families, USA

    Installing solar power for low-income families dramatically reduces their electricity bills. Mardina, a low-income senior, says “I knew about solar power but couldn’t afford it. Now on sunny days I can see my electric meter spinning backwards."

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £15,883.00

    Target: £25,758.00

  • Give the Gift of Music to Under-Served Students

    MHOF donates needed instruments to school music programs that struggle to stay active, so that more students can play and benefit from active music making.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £14,890.00

    Target: £348,707.00

  • Israeli-Palestinian Interfaith Encounter of 80

    Intensive 2 day retreat: 3 sessions of joint interfaith conversation - from the perspectives of the 3 religions and around retreat's theme, prayer session, social evening and joint meals and stay. Ends with evaluation and planning for the future.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £1,519.00

    Target: £6,490.00

  • The Gift of Education: Adopt a Pakistani Student

    •Provide free education, books & uniforms to students in formal & non-formal schools •Improve basic infrastructure & furniture in schools •Run workshops to train the local teachers •Hold periodic meetings & surveys to ensure coordination

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £5,098.00

    Target: £12,709.00

  • Water & Sanitation ensure 2000 Kenyan girls learn

    We'll provide required toilets at ratio 1:25 for girls;1:30 for boys, hand-wash, water tanks and sanitary facilities, then train on use and hygiene girls will stay at school, infections will decline and more pupils will finish school

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £7,692.00

    Target: £17,817.00

  • Rescue and educate "carpet kids" in South Asia

    GoodWeave rescues these exploited child weavers. We rehabilitate them, giving them the care they need to recover physically and emotionally. The children are reunited with their families if possible and offered an education. GoodWeave is also stopping the cycle of child labor and poverty, so fewer kids are trafficked or enslaved. We do this by educating consumers in North America, working with importers to monitor their weaving factories, and certifying carpets made by adult artisans.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £2,940.00

    Target: £7,635.00

  • Give Microcredit Loans to Women in Bosnia

    Women attend business classes, write a business plan and receive a loan to launch a small business. After receiving the loans, women meet monthly with a loan officer to make payments, receive training and discuss business strategies.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £12,260.00

    Target: £509,062.00

  • Help Vulnerable Women Become Leading Change Agents

    Emerging change agents among Rwanda's most vulnerable women will receive 12-18 months of social venture skills training, personal transformation practices, seed grants and high-engagement support to launch their own solutions for social change.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £24,110.00

    Target: £104,357.00

  • Free & Sustainable Secondary Education, Guatemala

    By providing free schooling and vocational skills we can ensure these indigenous communities get the same opportunities as everyone else. With very small contributions from families and graduates, the school will then become sustainable.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £15,748.00

    Target: £15,271.00

  • Support-11500-kids-out-of-child-labour-&-poverty

    Providing an integrated program of education, health-care & livelihood schemes stopping child labor, including provision of access to education (20 pre-school and creche facilities), mobile health clinics & micro-finance self-help savings groups.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £15,253.00

    Target: £1,828.00

  • Improving Food Security for Tribal Farmers

    Introduce tribal farmers to better agriculture practices through trainings, demonstration and exposure visits. Extend technical and financial support to use improved variety seeds, plant fruit trees, cultivate vegetables, and use organic fertilizers.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £7,363.00

    Target: £20,901.00