Run 10k for Cancer Research UK
Claire Culley's Fundraising Page
Page creator: Claire Culley
Event: Brighton & Hove Seafront
Event Date: 3rd Oct 2010
Team Members: Claire Culley
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About our charity : Cancer Research UK Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK is the world’s leading charity dedicated to beating cancer through research. We are fighting cancer on all fronts, finding new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat it to save more lives. We are entirely funded by the public. With your help, we can ensure more people beat cancer.
Charity Registration No 1089464
Fundraising target:  £150.00
Donations so far:  £ 185.00
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Our personal message:

Hey Guys.

After a somewhat lovely day watching the Brighton marathon yesterday and all the AMAZING people running their socks off and doing their bit for charity, me and Alex have decided if they can do it, then surely we can. After all, 10k can't be too hard... right?

5 reasons to sponsor me:

1. Cancer Research is a quite frankly an amazing charity.
2. As you all know I have a tendancy to start things I never finish (BUT with all you lovely people sponsoring me I will have no choice but to run/walk/crawl over that finish line).
3. There's a very good chance I may fall down, which is always comedy gold.
4. You can all enjoy a lovely day out in Brighton when you come to cheer me on. And yes I will expect a banner of some sort.
5. I slightly look like a giraffe when I run. I think its the long limbs.

Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It?s also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Cancer Research UK gets your money faster and, if you?re a UK taxpayer, Justgiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.

So please please sponsor me now! If you do, I'll make you a cuppa AND a cake. You really can't say no to that now can you?

Thank you so much!!

x x x x

Display Name Date Amount Tax Bonus  Comment
Tom 02/10/2010 £25.00 £7.05 Lol, Jus cos the weather's so shit, GL :) 
Jenny Slungaard 02/10/2010 £15.00 £4.23 Good luck honey, so proud of you!! xxxx 
Donna Gissing 01/10/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Goos Luck!! xxxxxx 
Dad and Mary 27/09/2010 £5.00 n/a We will be thinking about you , Don`t stop halfway for a glass of wine cos you might have two or three or more x x 
Gary & Shirley 25/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Anything for a cup cake! Good luck! 
Nats 25/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Go go go! I'll be there cheering you on x 
RachnDavenIsaac 19/09/2010 £20.00 £5.64 Don't think of it as 10k... think of it as 7 miles... much easier!! 
Jon Wilde 03/09/2010 £20.00 £5.64 - £1 for each fall :P (an incentive to stay vertical) 
Ian Buzer 14/07/2010 £30.00 £8.46 How's that training going? 
Louise Buzer 14/07/2010 £30.00 £8.46 Run, Forest, Run! 
Matt Warrilow 19/04/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Just copying my idea now aren't you!!! 
Verisign secure site-- click to verify SPONSOR US NOW
*Total donated online: £185.00
Amount raised offline: £0.00
Gift Aid plus supplement: £50.77
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