Run 10k for Cancer Research UK
Daniel Humphreys' Fundraising Page
Page creator: Daniel Humphreys
Event: Victoria Park - London
Event Date: 17th Oct 2010
Team Members:
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Me & my sister!
About our charity : Cancer Research UK Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK is the world’s leading charity dedicated to beating cancer through research. We are fighting cancer on all fronts, finding new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat it to save more lives. We are entirely funded by the public. With your help, we can ensure more people beat cancer.
Charity Registration No 1089464
Fundraising target:  £1,000.00
Donations so far:  £ 402.00
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Our personal message:


Thank you for popping by and checking my sponsorship page out, dont worry you dont have to give... just pondering the topic of cancer (thats topic not tropic - thats something entirely different) is a good thing to do.

Cancer always affects everyone else and not me or my family, was a thought I used to habour. You may be lucky enough to feel the same, however cancer can rip through families with blistering pace and devestating affect.

My beloved sister Nicola (pictured - strangling me!), was diagnoised, along with 6800 other women that same year, with ovarian cancer. On being told that Nicky was terminally ill, she called the family and demanded we all go to a theme park! What an inspiration! Nicky lost her brave fight in June of this year.

Please, no matter how small, if you can afford to give just a few pennies, every little bit helps, who knows the petri dish those few coins purchase, may be critical to the development of a cure, and those measley pence will be the most valuable you will have ever spent!

As a lad who is able to recall fondly the days when I considered myself a "fit individual" - this task is daunting! I AM RUNNING 10K!!

I had set an ambitious target of £70, which was smashed with majorly generous donations being made! as such I raised the bar to £250! Once agin this was reached by lovely people out there... so now i'm pressing for £1000 - Please help me to reach this!

If you donate, why not copy the link into your FB status or tweet it to your followers... letting them know that you are amazing people who deserve big hugs and sloppy kisses!

Thanks for viewing my page!


Display Name Date Amount Tax Bonus  Comment
ABC Copywriting 06/09/2010 £50.00 n/a Good luck! 
Kaine Challen 05/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 All the best pal this is a very noble thing to do respect goes out to you. 
Becky - Daniel's Big Sister 05/09/2010 £20.00 £5.64 To my amazing brother - wish you all the best for your run - I know that Nicky would be very proud of you - I am. Hope u raise loads of money Love Bex 
@davetreadwell 04/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Not quite payday, but I manage on what I have left :) 
Viktoria Fitt 04/09/2010 £5.00 £1.41 Good luck! xx 
Victoria 04/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Love u Dan & I love this! Good luck sweetness x x x 
Stacey Lennox (Dan's most awesomest cousin) 04/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 I love you but I'm poor. Have my tenner, run swift and do us all proud. (Really impressed with you Hump xx) Missing her too x 
Dacky :) 04/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Run Forest Runnnnn 
Helen Nicholson 04/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck Daniel, lots of love x 
Sarah Alderton 04/09/2010 £5.00 n/a Good luck Daniel! Im sure Nicky will be cheering you on! xx 
Linda Cooper 04/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Go Daniel! GoodLuck. 
Amanda Foster 04/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck. Run like the wind!!!  
Vikki Clarke 04/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Good Luck Man :) 
Faithm81 03/09/2010 £20.00 £5.64 Good luck!! 
Amy Rose 03/09/2010 £5.00 £1.41 Good luck Daniel. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and hope you are doing well. Amy 
Pandora 03/09/2010 £22.00 n/a You don't know me but what your doing is amazing <3 
Jo Taylor 03/09/2010 £5.00 £1.41 Good luck dan! x 
Mercedes 03/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck! My sister is fighting against the same disease. 
Sarah Hill 02/09/2010 £10.00 n/a I don't know you or your sis but you're doing a very great thing. What a lovely bro. 
Leah Howells 02/09/2010 £5.00 £1.41 You don't know me but I came across this and thought u were such an inspiration! Good luck! 
leanne conner 02/09/2010 £5.00 £1.41 how inspirational...i hope uve cut out the fags my love!! best of luck xxxx 
Sue Yates 02/09/2010 £20.00 £5.64 My mum has just finished her chemo for ovarian cancer, hope the run goes well 
Petala Huckle 02/09/2010 £5.00 n/a Good luck :-) 
Surraya Mahmood 02/09/2010 £5.00 n/a Good luck! x 
Mike Sadr 02/09/2010 £5.00 £1.41 All the best Dan!! It's not much but I hope it helps! 
Ishie 02/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 you look good in shorts, you have a love shaped appendage 
leanne 02/09/2010 £5.00 n/a love u loads x 
Leah & Ben Weaver 02/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck Dan! I May even come watch u run!! :-) 
Stoney 02/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Goodluck with the run, its a fantastic cause x 
Ellen and Family 02/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Lots of love and luck! x  
Carole & Tony Taylor 02/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Good Luck Daniel. Your Mum is a wonderful lady. So lucky to have had the pleasure to work with her. I lost my Dad to cancer 5 years ago. Well done x 
Chris Humphreys 02/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Thanks Daniel. Good luck 
Beckys Daniel and Nickys mum 02/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Thank you my darling son, missing Nicky is getting worse but thank you for being such a wonderful brother and son. Love you 3 always, forever mum xx 
David Rees 02/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Best wishes from a stranger in memory of your sister. 
Peter Demain 02/09/2010 £10.00 £2.82 Tenner for this noble cause. Best of luck Dan. 
Chris burrell 02/09/2010 £20.00 £5.64 There you go mate hope this starts things of and good luck 
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*Total donated online: £402.00
Amount raised offline: £0.00
Gift Aid plus supplement: £84.62
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