Roll your mouse over this sample online fundraising page
Justgiving header
choose a title for your fundraising web page - the rest of the information is automatically added for you
Upload a photo of yourself from your computer onto your page - it reassures sponsors that they've got the right page and makes it more personal and powerful. Don't forget to add a caption! choose a fundraising target and the thermometer will automatically update with your progress choose a fundraising target and the thermometer will automatically update with your progress
choose a fundraising target and the thermometer will automatically update with your progress
other actions -- bookmark page, tell a friend, I want a page like this
Make your page a lot more powerful by writing a personal message- give supporters a strong reason to donate and make it unique by changing font colours and styles and adding emoticons!
When you choose your charity the charity's logo and a bit of information about it is automatically added to your fundraising page
Your sponsors choose a 'display name' and can leave you a comment along with their sponsorship. Pluse we automatically add the Gift Aid if they are UK taxpayers
footer of page showing totals, sponsorship buttons, and security information.