Run 10k for Cancer Research UK
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Esther Rainbow's Fundraising Page
Page creator: Esther Rainbow
Event: Leeds Castle
Event Date: 12th Oct 2008
Fundraising Page Image
About my charity : Cancer Research UK Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK is the world's leading independent organisation dedicated to cancer research. We support research into all aspects of cancer through the work of more than 4,250 scientists, doctors and nurses. Over the past 10 years alone, thousands of lives have been saved through earlier detection and improved treatments. But, much work remains to be done if we are to achieve our aim of beating cancer.
Charity Registration No 1089464
Fundraising target:  £500.00
Donations so far:  £ 220.00
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My personal message:

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page. Please dig deep and sponsor me online.

I can't believe I'm doing this but, in a moment of madness, I have decided to run the 10k for Cancer Research!  I would really appreciate your sponsorship money and hopefully it will inspire me to huff and puff my way, red faced, to the finishing line.

Running doesn't come naturally to me and I do run like Pheobe from Friends, but I feel that this is a really important charity that does some amazing work.  The actual event isn't until October but please start sponsoring as soon as you can.  Thanks to everyone and see you (hopefully) at the finishing line.

Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Cancer Research UK will receive your money faster and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.

So please sponsor me now!

Many thanks for your support.

Display Name Date Amount Tax Bonus  Comment
Brian 29/08/2008 £30.00 £8.46 good luck 
Duncan 27/08/2008 £30.00 £8.46 No I won't 
Ian 26/08/2008 £10.00 £2.82 I'm sure Dunc will massage your feet after! 
Kat 26/08/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Just imagine a giant Krispy Kreme at the finish line. That's what I'd do... 
Dad 11/07/2008 £30.00 £8.46 Run for it!!! 
Ayesha 21/05/2008 £20.00 £5.64 who would believe it eh? Run Est Run! I'm extremely pround of you xxxxxxxx 
SPickles 21/05/2008 £5.00 £1.41 Make sure you go to the loo first. We don't want you pulling a Paula. 
Funmi Omotade 26/04/2008 £10.00 £2.82 If you hit the "wall", just climb over it and keep going ;)! best wishes. 
Kim 17/04/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck and enjoy the run 
Mum 16/04/2008 £25.00 £7.05 know you'll do it- best daughter in the world 
Gota 15/04/2008 £5.00 n/a Good Luck 
Sarah Stevens 15/04/2008 £5.00 £1.41 Good luck! 
Oni 11/04/2008 £10.00 £2.82 1 squids per kilometre should get you to the end =) (rather you than me) 
Gemma 11/04/2008 £5.00 £1.41 Good Luck! 
Verisign secure site-- click to verify SPONSOR ME NOW
*Total donated online: £205.00
Amount raised offline: £15.00
Gift Aid plus supplement: £56.41
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