Run 10k for Cancer Research UK
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Graham's finally getting fit
Page creator: Graham Bower
Event: Finsbury Park
Event Date: 19th Sep 2009
Fundraising Page Image
Sorry about those shorts!
About my charity : Cancer Research UK Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK is the world's leading independent organisation dedicated to cancer research. We support research into all aspects of cancer through the work of more than 4,250 scientists, doctors and nurses. Over the past 10 years alone, thousands of lives have been saved through earlier detection and improved treatments. But, much work remains to be done if we are to achieve our aim of beating cancer.
Charity Registration No 1089464
Fundraising target:  £800.00
Donations so far:  £ 640.00
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My personal message:

A couple of years ago, I never thought I'd be training for a 10k run. I know it's not a long distance, but for me, it's a really big deal. There were times when I didn't even think I'd still be around.

I feel incredibly grateful that my cancer treatment was successful. I know that not everyone is so lucky. And even though today's medical science is amazing, there's plenty of room for improvement, so that cancer can be treated without the unpleasant side effects.

That's why I'm such a big fan of Cancer Research UK, which gives money to really smart people, to enable them to conduct research into better and more effective treatments.

I know money's tight for most people at the moment - but it's the thought that counts - not the quantity. Every little helps.

Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It's also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Cancer Research UK gets your money faster and, if you're a UK taxpayer, Justgiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.

So please sponsor me now!

Display Name Date  Comment
Rich 24/06/2009 Stay on target! 
Charlie Grainger 23/06/2009 Best of luck Graham - I'm very impressed that you can run that far, my limit is about the same as Charles's! 
Charles 22/06/2009 10 metres would be my limit! 
Ben Le Foe 22/06/2009 Hey Graham, good luck old man. Make sure to follow the course and run in a straight line (not round and round like usual). 
Laura 19/06/2009 best of luck! 
LM 19/06/2009  
Peter 18/06/2009 Edging you just a little closer to your target! 
Bina the party animal 17/06/2009 The best of luck 
Carly 17/06/2009 Good luck Graham, such a great cause. 
Markus 16/06/2009  
Jennie Fuller 16/06/2009 Very impressive - but to get my sponsorship you will need to burn the shorts! 
Francesca & Tickle 15/06/2009 Well done for everything and good luck at the race 
Steve 15/06/2009 Run Forrest, run!! 
Johan Andersson 15/06/2009 Go G Go! 
Justine 14/06/2009 I think you are fantastic! ... I also think you may need to rethink that target of yours!  
Ian 14/06/2009 10k this year, half marathon next! 
Hegeloff and family 14/06/2009 Run Graham run 
Steven Shipton 14/06/2009 Good luck! 
Heather Lennox 13/06/2009 Good luck Graham, Let me know when you are running so I can come and scream Go Graham! alot in a trashy outfit! x 
Diana 13/06/2009 Brilliant; go for it. I'm running my first ever 10k race tomorrow (I'm running just for me; not for charity) and I find 10k more than far enough! 
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*Total donated online: £640.00
Amount raised offline: £0.00
Gift Aid plus supplement: £155.13
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