In an effort to get fit, give myself a challenge and most importantly, help a charity, on Sunday 11th October at Beaulieu in Hampshire, I'll be participating in the 'Run 10K' event raising money for Cancer Research UK.
The aim is to run 10km, survive to tell the tale and raise at least £225!!
I'd be really grateful if you could sponsor me in my quest to help raise some money for this worthwhile cause.
Update 14 July 2009:
I'm now in week 5 of my 16 week training programme. Having struggled to run for 30 seconds at a time in week 1, I'm now running for almost 2 miles without the need for medical attention (that's the goal for the end of this week). Still a long way to go though!! Seeing the sponsorship gradually climbing helps to keep the motivation up!
Thanks to everyone that's donated so far. Almost 70% of the way to the fundraising target of £225! :D
Update 15 August 2009:
Amazingly, I'm now running 3 miles at a time and looking forward to each session!! Really not sure why, but I'm starting to look at half-marathon training programmes!! Maybe I'll attempt one next year after I've recovered from the 10K. 8 weeks to go til the event. I've got to increase distance by about 1/2 a mile each week so I hit the 6 miles per run during the week commencing 5 October. Wish me luck!!
Update 2 October 2009:
Thought that I'd update you all on my progress as I've only got 9 days to go now 'til my 10K run for Cancer Research UK.
It's been about 17 weeks since I started training for the run and over that time, I've run about 50 times. In the last 9 weeks, I've clocked up over 100 miles of running and survived!
Things did look a bit iffy a couple of weeks back when my left ankle swelled up and I couldn't walk on it for 4 days without being in pain. Happy to report that the ankle is back to 100% (and the blisters that provided the subsequent painful runs have now healed) and this morning, I ran a full 10K (6.2 miles) for the first time (check it out at It took me about an hour and 6 mins and other than to cross a busy road, I didn't stop running once (managed to avoid the temptation on several occasions)!! Considering the early days of having to walk more than run and struggling with that, this morning felt (to me at least) like an amazing achievement. I would like to speed up though so a bit more work to do...
Of course, doing 10K this morning doesn't count so I'll have to do it again on Sunday 11th October!! Having said that, I plan to run the full distance once more before then to see if I can improve my pace.
Thanks to all of you that have sponsored me so far. Your generosity has meant getting up at 5am for a 6am run has been far more bearable!! It'll mean even more to Cancer Research UK.
For those of you that haven't sponsored me, it's not too late (sorry about that)!! Every little helps (any donation over £2 in fact!) and I've still got £25 until I get to my target of £225 in fundraising.
Finally, thanks again for your generosity and words of encouragement over the last 4 months. That's really been appreciated.
Please note, I won't be carrying Daniel on my shoulders!!
Small print:
Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It?s also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Cancer Research UK gets your money faster and, if you?re a UK taxpayer, Justgiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.