Run 10k for Cancer Research UK
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Katie Waring's Fundraising Page
Page creator: Katie Waring
Event: Crystal Palace Stadium
Event Date: 13th Sep 2009
Fundraising Page Image
About my charity : Cancer Research UK Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK is the world's leading independent organisation dedicated to cancer research. We support research into all aspects of cancer through the work of more than 4,250 scientists, doctors and nurses. Over the past 10 years alone, thousands of lives have been saved through earlier detection and improved treatments. But, much work remains to be done if we are to achieve our aim of beating cancer.
Charity Registration No 1089464
Fundraising target:  £400.00
Donations so far:  £ 239.99
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Thanks for visiting my fundraising page.

Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It?s also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Cancer Research UK gets your money faster and, if you?re a UK taxpayer, Justgiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.

The last time I covered 10km outside petrol powered transport was at Vauxhall roller disco (see the picture) and just look at the state of me! Your money could recreate this in broad day light. Go know you want to....

So please sponsor me now!

Display Name Date Amount Tax Bonus  Comment
tom and mo kelly 03/09/2009 £10.00 £2.82 run like the wind child ! 
Sarah "the Dude" Twells 03/09/2009 £20.00 £5.64 That toenail will feel better knowing its been sacrificed for charity! 
Sarah Cadenas 02/09/2009 £20.00 £5.64 enjoy it 
Christian Moon 02/09/2009 £10.00 £2.82 The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, but time and chance happeneth to all 
Alice 02/09/2009 £10.00 £2.82  
Jon 'J Pizzle' Pipe + The Jinks 01/09/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Give it everything 
Simon 01/09/2009 £9.99 n/a  
James 01/09/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Brandon's been saying she's going to run you into the ground. 
Timmy 'donkey dick' West 01/09/2009 £5.00 £1.41 I'll pay you more money if you take that photo down! 
Zena 01/09/2009 £10.00 £2.82 I'll give extra if you beat Mike's time 
Chris Saunders 01/09/2009 £10.00 £2.82  
Alex 28/08/2009 £5.00 £1.41 Good luck dude. x 
Helen 27/08/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Have a fabulous run. X 
Stephane 27/08/2009 £20.00 £5.64 It's great being blonde - with such low expectations it's easy to impress. 
Paul Mc 27/08/2009 £20.00 £5.64 all the best for run 
Verity Harding 25/08/2009 £10.00 £2.82 I heard your middle name is Bolt... 
Mike 20/08/2009 £10.00 £2.82 If you beat my best 10k time as well as my fantasy football team I won't be happy... ;-) 
Andy C 20/08/2009 £10.00 £2.82 I'm expecting a sub 55 min time - good luck! 
Ben Westwood 20/08/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Run Waring run........ 
Will 20/08/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck! 
Verisign secure site-- click to verify SPONSOR ME NOW
*Total donated online: £239.99
Amount raised offline: £0.00
Gift Aid plus supplement: £64.87
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