Thanks for visiting our fundraising page.
Adele & Janine are elite athletes (yeh right), running their 2nd competition this year. Close to world record times in the last competition & beating their personal bests, they are confident that they will smash all existing records this time.
Mike is the newby, attempting his first official 10k race. Training hard & focusing mind & body, he'll be expecting to show the girls how it's really done! However it isn't all about record breaking we also hope to raise a few pounds for charity.
Donating online with 'JustGiving' is quick, easy & totally secure. It?s also the most efficient way to sponsor us: Cancer Research UK gets your money faster and if you?re a UK taxpayer, it adds 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement at no extra cost to you.
So please sponsor us now! Thank you, Mike, Adele & Janine