Run 10k for Cancer Research UK
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Nick Angell's Fundraising Page
Page creator: Nick Angell
Event: Bowood House
Event Date: 21st Sep 2008
Fundraising Page Image
About my charity : Cancer Research UK Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK is the world's leading independent organisation dedicated to cancer research. We support research into all aspects of cancer through the work of more than 4,250 scientists, doctors and nurses. Over the past 10 years alone, thousands of lives have been saved through earlier detection and improved treatments. But, much work remains to be done if we are to achieve our aim of beating cancer.
Charity Registration No 1089464
Fundraising target:  £200.00
Donations so far:  £ 215.00
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My personal message:

Thanks for visiting my fundraising page.

Sadly in June this year, the brave and beautiful Emma lost her battle with Cancer. The way she handled herself throughout her battle sets an example to us all. She is, and always will be a Legend. (who along with Katie cost me a fortune.... double archers and double vodka's in the same glass, imagine how expensive that round was in town!..)

Katie, Hannah and Nancy completed the 5km Race for life in June, and i must say how proud i was seeing them achieve this, so close to losing Emma... Well done Girls!

Now,  i would much rather entered that event and only ran 5km, but it was a girls only thing... SO the boys have the task of Running 10km..... Great! so David, Gary, Marc, and myself are trying to get fit! (No backing out now boys, everyone knows!)

If we can show just 1% of the strength, determination and courage Emma showed, we should be able to do 10km in 10mins running with our legs tied together! Failing that, just to complete it will do!

Now, its time for you people to cough up.
Please help and sponsor this event.  Lets face it, how many of you thought i'd even attempt to run this far!!!

Thank you all

Display Name Date Amount Tax Bonus  Comment
Ben Milne 11/09/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck Nick! 
Nick Hodge 11/09/2008 £10.00 £2.82 No more Mars Bars for you just pasta!!!, good luck slim.... 
Gerry C 11/09/2008 £5.00 £1.41 A man is like a cat; chase him and he will run  
Phil T 11/09/2008 £20.00 £5.64  
Matty Crockett 11/09/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck mate, at this rate you will soon be as slim as me!! 
Smudge 11/09/2008 £5.00 £1.41 Good luck buddy,  
Stick 11/09/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Good Luck 
Karen 10/09/2008 £10.00 £2.82 All the best gay eyebrow boy 
kayleigh 09/09/2008 £10.00 n/a good luck x 
Tina 06/09/2008 £5.00 n/a Well done to all you boys, we will never forget Emma and this is one way to always celebrate her life strength and courage. Beautiful words Nick 
Malcolm Ockwell 18/08/2008 £5.00 £1.41  
Carl 07/08/2008 £10.00 £2.82 What with my lot doing the 3 peaks and now this, I'm feeling a bit lazy. 
Sophie Pearce 05/08/2008 £5.00 n/a Good Luck :) 
ALASTAIR MAIN 04/08/2008 £15.00 £4.23  
MR Z 04/08/2008 £10.00 £2.82 please don't lose any more wieght, your really showing me up - good luck -worthy cause 
AQ 04/08/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Your efforts at the gym have been incredible, good luck mate. 
Aaron Alexander 04/08/2008 £5.00 £1.41 good luck juan, all the hard work in the gym will have paid off when your at the finish line. 
Pagy 04/08/2008 £20.00 £5.64  
Linds 04/08/2008 £25.00 £7.05 Good luck boys. All the best! Rock on Emma! Linds xx 
Heidi Richards 04/08/2008 £5.00 £1.41 Best of luck, Juan!  
Amy Stokes 04/08/2008 £5.00 £1.41 good luck nick hope u dont fall to hard on ur face :) 
dave 02/08/2008 £5.00 £1.41 nick, thankyou for your kind and thoughtful words about emma. we all miss her so much. i will be in the race as planned please find £5 sponsorship 
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*Total donated online: £215.00
Amount raised offline: £0.00
Gift Aid plus supplement: £55.00
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