Phil’s Support to Help for Heroes
Page creator: Phil Packer
Page closes: 21st May 2010
Fundraising Page Image
El Capitan - June 2009
About the charity : Help for Heroes Help for Heroes
Help for Heroes supports our wounded. Help for Heroes provides practical direct support to those servicemen and women wounded in the line of duty in the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Charity Registration No 1120920
Fundraising target:  £1,000,000.00
Donations so far:  £ 1,333,489.17
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Personal message:

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I am sincerely grateful to everyone who has supported me on this journey so far and am very aware that if it were not for this support, i would not be where i am now.

Alongside the 3 other charities I support, I will continue to raise as much as I can for Help for Heroes.

This is now about raising the profile of disability sports as well and hopefully enthusing young people with disabilities.

Thank you once again for your support - it has meant and means a great deal to so many.

Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. Help for Heroes will receive your money faster and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.  Thank you for your support, Phil Packer

Page 172 of 268     Latest  << | < | > | >>  Earliest
Display Name Date Amount Tax Bonus  Comment
Bill Jackson 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 More Power to Your Arms Phil well done 
Don Bramwell 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 God Bless from an old Shaibah Vet 
David Mckittrick 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 for you and everyone who has served on our behalf anywhere in the world 
Sybil & Fergus Howat 01/05/2009 £25.00 £7.05  
Rachel & Andy 01/05/2009 £25.00 £7.05 A fantastic inspiration to us all 
Claire Ward 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 You are an inspirational man. You have strength mentally and physically. 
Alan Chandler 01/05/2009 £200.00 £56.41  
peter + fiona 01/05/2009 £25.00 £7.05 Inspirational. 
Ali 01/05/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Good luck 
Pruah 01/05/2009 £25.00 £7.05 You are an inspiration to us all 
Scott family 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 All the sevices deserve our thanks and support. You are without doubt all heros. Thank you and good luck 
Cappo 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Our very best wishes to you. xxx 
Cogs 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 What an inspiration!  
nikki 01/05/2009 £25.00 £7.05 What an incredible challenge. Well done. 
nin 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 you the man! 
Rex and Maureen Tipper 01/05/2009 £15.00 £4.23 Best wishes for the rest of the marathon, and our thanks to you and all your fellow heroes.  
Stuart Patrick 01/05/2009 £50.00 £14.10 With the news dominated by grubby politicians, dodgy bankers and other riffraff it is a pleasure to support a real hero.  
Simon 01/05/2009 £50.00 £14.10 You will make it 
Gayle 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 you are an inspiration that we should never give up but keep on going for it regardless how long it takes 
sue johnson 01/05/2009 £20.00 n/a Good Luck and best wishes to you for your future. 
mac 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 an absolute honour to back you. good luck and hang in there! 
Lynn Clark 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Incredibly brave and loads of luck 
Celia 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 I'm full of admiration - Keep going! 
Step.C 01/05/2009 £50.00 £14.10 It's a disgrace that this very worthy cause should depend on heroes like you. But my wife and I are very happy to do what little we can. 
sharon and ian 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck on your journey and for the future. 
Andrew Newmark & Jan de Villeneuve 01/05/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Well done 
Tina W 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Inspirational and humbling 
Stephen Battye 01/05/2009 £500.00 £141.03 Hip problem for 3 years. Nothing compared with what you and other service personnel have and are having to deal with. Very best of luck. 
Sarah & Monica Masters 01/05/2009 £200.00 £56.41 You are truly remarkable. We "Thank You" for all that you have done for the people of this country and what you are continuing to do. Good Luck !! 
Philip Rowe 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Keep on going! Easier said than done however I know 
Paul McGinlay 01/05/2009 £30.00 £8.46  
sheena howad 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 I think that you are amazing. I also think that this country should look after people who do such a brave thing for all of us. 
Pete Melsom 01/05/2009 £100.00 £28.21 What incredible spirit and determination you have shown, you are one amzing guy. 
Julian Penrose 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck with your Marathon and for such a great cause. 
marianne elsley 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 words cannot express my admiration for you. The very best of luck to you now and in the future. 
Jenny Cormack 01/05/2009 £25.00 n/a I sincerely hope you make your target 
Sarah Barber 01/05/2009 £50.00 £14.10 With enormous admiration from an Old Elthamian (1991) 
Chris Norris 01/05/2009 £15.00 £4.23 An inspiration, good luck 
Dave Holmyard 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 A privilege to support you, well done 
Michael Dovey 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 An inspiration to us all - keep your chin up and good luck for rest of the journey 
Ex UDR (PT); R IRISH (PT) now R IRISH TA 01/05/2009 £254.00 £71.64 Phil, Keep going son. Your cause is worthy. Here's a days pay from me. (In my Regt every soldier donated a days pay per year to our on Benevolent Fund 
The Waltons 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 With our very best regards. Keep Going Mate !! 
Mick Brodie 01/05/2009 £15.00 £4.23 Our son-in-law Mick has agreed that instead of us giving him a birthday present, we donate the money to Phil instead. Happy Birthday Mick. 
Martin Davies 01/05/2009 £15.00 £4.23 Tremendous - many thanks for your inspirational effort 
Max Heron 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 An inspiration to everyone; good luck! 
Sue & Rod Andrews 01/05/2009 £25.00 £7.05 We are honoured to be able to donate, you and the colleagues you are helping by your marathon are the true pride of Britain. 
Nyssa Backhouse 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 I will be willing you along with my thoughts and prayers it is an amazing challenge  
Anonymous 01/05/2009 £30.00 £8.46 Amazing 
Dave & Penny Kennington 01/05/2009 £20.00 n/a Headley Court helped our son to walk and over come his devasting injuries in 2006, good luck Phil, you are an inspiration to everyone 
AB 01/05/2009 £15.00 £4.23  
belinda sullivan 01/05/2009 £50.00 £14.10 You inspire me and fill me with hope that anything can be achieved if you want it enough.  
Debi Berry 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 You're an inspiration 
Sara Fuller 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Please run for Parliament! 
Michelle McGee 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Good luck! 
Vina 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 You are a star 
Mary 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Amazing 
Steve Jeal 01/05/2009 £25.00 n/a From another who was at school with you. Truly awe inspiring effort - best of luck. 
Paula Swallow 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 An inspiration to us all who moan about the trivia! Good Luck! 
Andy Fleet 01/05/2009 £5.00 £1.41 Keep it up 
Seonna Lennon 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 It's people like you that make me so proud of our forces, knowing that you're there to protect us all. Good l;uck and keep up the good work 
Jane 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 I am full of admiration for you, well done. 
Richard Garnett 01/05/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Phil, I knew you at school and have been personally lifted by your efforts - thank you 
Jon Berentemfel 01/05/2009 £2.00 £0.56 Good luck to ya Phil, your a legend and one hell of a top geezer!!!! What a star.  
Charlotte Ramsay 01/05/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Your determination to overcome the seemingly impossible is incredible. May you go from strength to strength. Good luck and thank you. 
Claire 01/05/2009 £5.00 n/a Thank you for reminding me what hard work can achieve 
Ray Vernon 01/05/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Good Luck in the Marathon I admire your courage.  
Claire Watson 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Wishing you all the best 
Patricia 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Congratulations! An inspiration! 
Sarah Galbraith 01/05/2009 £5.00 £1.41 Hero is a word reserved for those who show the Courage & Tenacity to overcome the challenges life throws at them. A title you certainly deserve. 
Russell Singleton 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Speachless 
Josh Olive 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck, a great cause. 
Burt 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Good luck 
JD 01/05/2009 £10.00 n/a We'll be thinking of you. 
Sue C 01/05/2009 £15.00 £4.23 great respect 
Ron ( Manchester UK) 01/05/2009 £15.00 £4.23 Truly courageous & inspirational. Good luck to you. 
Bill 01/05/2009 £25.00 £7.05 Keep going - good luck 
RG 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 I met you back in 2002 and when I recognised your face in the papers I just had to donate. So sorry. You're a true hero. All the best. 
Paula Grove 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Good Luck 
Nicki 01/05/2009 £25.00 £7.05 Good Luck 
Katherine Smith - CEOP 01/05/2009 £5.00 £1.41 Good luck and good on you! 
Judy Steve &dave 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Such a hero god bless  
GB 01/05/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Heard you on radio last weekend. I salute you. 
Martin Black 01/05/2009 £25.00 £7.05 full of admiration for Phil. A truly inspirational man. 
Jenny 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Best of luck Phil?.You and your comrades are incredibly brave and deserve so much more appreciation and support than you receive. x 
Monica Wells 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 May the sun keep shining on you... 
BMH 01/05/2009 £100.00 £28.21 You represent what maks this country Great. 
Samantha Andrews 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Good luck, you are a true hero. 
Virginia Walker 01/05/2009 £25.00 £7.05 Good Luck Phil! You are truly inspirational... 
Linda 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64  
Laura Cockbain 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Good luck! 
clive sutherland 01/05/2009 £10.00 n/a about the most worthy donation I've ever made ...I'll be there next week to cheer you over the line , for sure !  
T Holmes 01/05/2009 £20.00 n/a Good Luck, I hope you reach the million, I have so much respect for our wonderful forces. It's fantastic to see the public behind you all. 
anon 01/05/2009 £200.00 £56.41 A genuinely awe inspiring feat of endurance. All the very best of luck. 
Debbie Williams 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 we should all make an effort to think of you throughout each day until you finish. A very brave man. Good Luck! 
Nikki 01/05/2009 £5.00 £1.41 good luck! 
Pete Weedon 01/05/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Best wishes and good luck from an ex soldier 
Alan Bentley 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Thanks to you and your comrades 
paul antony bruff 01/05/2009 £20.00 £5.64 hope you make it to the million good luck 
katharine 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 thank you for such a tremendous effort and good luck! 
dave piggott 01/05/2009 £10.00 £2.82 good luck 
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Amount raised offline: £544,693.04
Gift Aid plus supplement: £188,019.45
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