Phil’s Support to Help for Heroes
Page creator: Phil Packer
Page closes: 21st May 2010
Fundraising Page Image
El Capitan - June 2009
About the charity : Help for Heroes Help for Heroes
Help for Heroes supports our wounded. Help for Heroes provides practical direct support to those servicemen and women wounded in the line of duty in the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Charity Registration No 1120920
Fundraising target:  £1,000,000.00
Donations so far:  £ 1,333,489.17
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Personal message:

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I am sincerely grateful to everyone who has supported me on this journey so far and am very aware that if it were not for this support, i would not be where i am now.

Alongside the 3 other charities I support, I will continue to raise as much as I can for Help for Heroes.

This is now about raising the profile of disability sports as well and hopefully enthusing young people with disabilities.

Thank you once again for your support - it has meant and means a great deal to so many.

Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. Help for Heroes will receive your money faster and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.  Thank you for your support, Phil Packer

Page 211 of 268     Latest  << | < | > | >>  Earliest
Display Name Date Amount Tax Bonus  Comment
Pauline Moore 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 You are an amazing man. Good Luck 
Pat & Kevin Barnes 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 Good luck, - you are the best of British! 
Shann Morgan 26/04/2009 £100.00 £28.21 Terry and I are thinking of you! 
Steve & Lisa Huish 26/04/2009 £15.00 £4.23 all the best, we'll be there on the 9th may, hope others will be too. we know you'll do it. our thanks go to you  
Alma Wizard 26/04/2009 £25.00 n/a Very well done, good luck for the future 
Wendy, Mick & James Stirr 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Good Luck Phil, you're a true inspiration 
Steve Thurtle 26/04/2009 £50.00 n/a All the best from from another injured ex Servicemam.  
Martin Kirby 26/04/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Good luck Phil  
Hazel Macaulay 26/04/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Inspirational courage. Hope all goes well in your challenge. 
Mark & Louise Wells. 26/04/2009 £50.00 £14.10 You have made me support this most worthy cause, something I wanted to do for a long time. 
fraser powell 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 you are the best 
Linda & Dan Burgess Surrey 26/04/2009 £15.00 £4.23 We know you will do it. Well Done 
Vera Douglas 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 I think you are amazing and have so much courage. You make me fell that I should never winge about anything again. I know you'll do it. 
Graham Gathercole 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 You are an inspiration to all. Good luck and best wishes for the future 
alison 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 I wish I could give you more.. 
Rita & Peter 26/04/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Saw you on the news and here we are,will be watching the website each day.Good luck. 
John & Carol Crumpler 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck in your quest and best wishes in your future life. Thank you for your bravery and our safety. Please be assured it is not taken for granted. 
Barbara & Bryan Taberner 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 God Bless you all ! 
Jackie Fletcher 26/04/2009 £15.00 £4.23  
Angela Greener 26/04/2009 £30.00 £8.46 Just seen you on the evening news & was so moved by what you're doing I immediately logged on here. Best wishes :-) 
Lindsay Martineau 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 What an incredible guy you are and what an amazing inspiration to all 
The Smiths 26/04/2009 £5.00 £1.41 You're amazing, good luck with the walk 
Jean & Bill Browning 26/04/2009 £5.00 £1.41 Good Luck, hope you reach your target 
Simon & Julie Norton 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 Fantastic cause, good luck and best wishes 
Jonathan Hill 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Best of luck to you and everyone these donations will benefit. May you get so much more than the target. 
Mike, Sue and Jamie 26/04/2009 £30.00 £8.46 You're a true hero. Good luck! 
Ali Grant 26/04/2009 £50.00 £14.10 I salut you! 
Anne Toalster 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 I only have some sciatica and am older.God bless you - you are wonderful. 
Owain Martin 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Truly deserving cause, hope you make the million you deserve it 
Richard & Mary Castle 26/04/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Best wishes - need we say more? 
Louise & Steve 26/04/2009 £5.00 £1.41 You are such an inspiration to everyone. Good luck with your goal.  
John Bradley 26/04/2009 £60.00 £16.92 Thanks for your bravery and all the lads and lasses, God Bless. 
Emma 26/04/2009 £5.00 £1.41 You are truly amazing! Good luck xxx 
Suzy 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 You are an inspiration to all disabled people. I hope you make the whole distance ! Lots of love xx 
Peco 26/04/2009 £20.00 n/a Excellent effort! Keep up the good work - from 2 admiring old codgers! 
James and Allison Arrowsmith 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 Heard you on the radio this morning - you don't know me from adam - however for you unbelieveable attitude we felt compelled to give 
Tom and Mary 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 All the best and good luck. 
Christine & Terry Huggins 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Good Luck Phil - just amazing. 
DJR 26/04/2009 £50.00 £14.10 a small chance to say how much we appreciate the courage of our troops 
Steve & Karen Edwards 26/04/2009 £15.00 £4.23 Inspiration Personifed. Good luck in all you do. 
Jean @ Frank 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Well done  
vikki whitelaw 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 a true survivor and an inspiration to us all. May your fundrasing surpass your target you deserve it to 
Jim & Carol 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 You are a true inspiration, good luck 
Rod & Teresa 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 True courage and inspiration to us all,  
Angela & Steve 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 We give what we can - it can never match your determination and effort 
Clive Marjoram 26/04/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Listening to you on the radio this morning spurred me during a cycle ride in the Yorkshire Dales. All the best - you are an absolute inspiration. 
gill dumbleton 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 you make me feel very humble 
Janet King 26/04/2009 £15.00 £4.23 Good Luck for the rest of your walk 
Graeme M Cunningham 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Hero doesn't begin to describe you. You are a superstar. The very best of luck in your challenge. 
Dave and Anna Rcbinson 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Your an inspiration, good luck. 
Jack & Jenny 26/04/2009 £20.00 n/a Good Luck,dont forget SSAFA/Forces Help who are always there for Servicemen past, present & Future 
Clive and Myra 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 Good luck and well done. 
Andrea Ernest & Jon Stokes 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 Saw you at the start of the marathon and we are in awe of you and your quest to raise £1 million for such a good cause. good luck! 
Jane and mark Walsh 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 welldone and good luck for the rest of the week. 
Tony & Sue 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Good Luck. An Inspiration to us all.  
Captain Darling 26/04/2009 £50.00 £14.10 I am humbled by your efforts, and the cause that you are supporting - we owe you and your colleagues a debt that we can never repay. 
Yvonne Boyle 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Phil - good luck with the walk and your future adventures! 
KJP 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Nothing but respect and admiration - good luck! 
Carole Bury 26/04/2009 £26.00 £7.33 Good Luck you are an inspiration 
mike allport 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 best wishes and good luck 
Jacky and Paul 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 Inspirational. Best of Luck for all your efforts. 
Penny W 26/04/2009 £15.00 £4.23 Fantastic! and the money is going to such a good and worthwhile cause. Our wounded soldiers, sailors, airmen must not be forgotten. 
Maureen 26/04/2009 £5.00 £1.41 Wish I could afford to make it more! Hope the weather is kind on your marathon. 
Cath 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Just saw you on ITV News and was moved to tears. A real inspiration. Good luck. 
JennieB 26/04/2009 £15.00 £4.23 Thank you! 
the nagres 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 can't say enough to thank you and all the men and women like you. 
Jenny 26/04/2009 £15.00 £4.23 Good luck, you are such an inspiration to us all. I will follow your progress and let others know of the good work you are doing. 
P & K 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Amazing. A true hero. 
Sue A 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 So in awe of your courage; thanks to you and all the other brave service men and women and hope you reach your target. 
Dot & Pete 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 With thanks and appreciation to you and all the other young people serving our country. God bless! 
anonymous 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 with respect and admiration 
Rebecca Smith 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Just seen you on the news and felt really moved by your bravery. Good luck with the next 12 days!! 
nellieliz 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 You are an unbelievably selfless man - what a goal. Help for Heroes? Think we've found one. With every good wish for all the challenges ahead. 
John Goodwill 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 I think you are a fantastic person, I wish you every success 
Julia and Eden 26/04/2009 £100.00 £28.21 Thank you for all you have and are continuing to do. You are a real hero.  
Sarah 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 You're amazing - good luck! 
Brian McCulloch 26/04/2009 £26.20 £7.39 Inspirationally awesome - Brian, ex RAF (23 years). 
anon 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 you're a real Hero !! Good Luck. 
Iain Berry 26/04/2009 £50.00 £14.10 You are an inspiration! God bless you. 
Richard Truscott 26/04/2009 £50.00 £14.10 I really can not put into words how moved I am by your determination and selflessness, I wish you all the luck in your quest!  
Janet and David 26/04/2009 £20.00 n/a What an inspiration, Good Luck 
Jane E 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 As a fellow SCI walking with crutches and ex inmate Headley Court I can't tell you how in awe I am of your tremendous determination.  
Gem and Ron 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Good Luck! 
Chris and Val Webb 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 A charity close to our hearts. You are a true inspiration Phil. I am going to register for the Marathon next year now for Help for Heroes ! 
Sue Sanders 26/04/2009 £5.00 £1.41 Your courage is an inspiration to us all. Good luck. 
Tortoise 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Good luck, I know how important this is. From another with time served at H Court. Head down & crack on Sir! 
Rob Maggs 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck and heartfelt thanks to you and all of our brave service men and women 
Tom Kimber 26/04/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Best of Luck from Norn Iron 
Azita & Bagher Sadrieh 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Inspirational! We wish you all the very best for both completing the Marathon & your recovery 
The Smith's 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck to you. 
shirley james 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Best wishes and thank you to you and your commrades for all you've done for our country. Good luck in the challenge, you can do it. All the best. x  
John Brown 26/04/2009 £15.00 £4.23 An inspirational act to benefit a truly worthy cause - God give you strength 
Chuck 26/04/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Thank you for your amazing efforts. 
John and Pip Moy 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 Filled with admiration at your bravery and gratitude in your doing so much for H4H. 
Tony Banks 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 Good luck every step of the way. We need more heroes like you. 
pearlmans 26/04/2009 £25.00 £7.05 amazing effort well done 
Sandy 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 well done for first day, hope you're encouraged by so many supporters as you carry on each day and reach your goal 
shirley and andy 26/04/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Well done - wishing you all the best for your future endeavours 
Amanda and Andy Archard 26/04/2009 £50.00 £14.10 Good luck! 
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*Total donated online: £788,796.13
Amount raised offline: £544,693.04
Gift Aid plus supplement: £188,019.45
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