Phil’s Support to Help for Heroes
Page creator: Phil Packer
Page closes: 21st May 2010
Fundraising Page Image
El Capitan - June 2009
About the charity : Help for Heroes Help for Heroes
Help for Heroes supports our wounded. Help for Heroes provides practical direct support to those servicemen and women wounded in the line of duty in the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Charity Registration No 1120920
Fundraising target:  £1,000,000.00
Donations so far:  £ 1,333,489.17
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Personal message:

Visit for more information on how you can help Phil

I am sincerely grateful to everyone who has supported me on this journey so far and am very aware that if it were not for this support, i would not be where i am now.

Alongside the 3 other charities I support, I will continue to raise as much as I can for Help for Heroes.

This is now about raising the profile of disability sports as well and hopefully enthusing young people with disabilities.

Thank you once again for your support - it has meant and means a great deal to so many.

Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. Help for Heroes will receive your money faster and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.  Thank you for your support, Phil Packer

Page 261 of 268     Latest  << | < | > | >>  Earliest
Display Name Date Amount Tax Bonus  Comment
Andy Dutton 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 You are a Hero for Heros Phil  
Anonymous 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82  
Sue 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Heard you on Five Live this morning. A wonderful inspiring interview. Good luck from an ex Wren. 
Sam Marsh 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 OP86400 DRAKE DIVAS 999m - Good luck to all taking part in OP86400!! 
len johnson 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Good Luck from an OAP who served in the RAF 
Dick K 28/11/2008 £50.00 £14.10 Good luck and best wishes in all you do. 
Charles Hipkin 28/11/2008 £50.00 £14.10 I wish you every success in this venture and for all that you do in the future 
Matthew Durrant 28/11/2008 £1,650.00 £465.38 best of luck in all of your challenges. 
b+j stirland 28/11/2008 £25.00 £7.05 all the best 
Ro Doe 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 You're an inspiration - keep up the good work and good luck! 
sarah 28/11/2008 £30.00 £8.46 Heard you on five live. look forward to seeing you finish the marathon.  
Pauline & Brian S. 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 Wishing you success & happiness in all that you do.You deserve it.  
Kenneth 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 I served in the army, nobody cared about us in Aden, Borneo, Oman or Ireland. Our servicemen deserve better. I hope my contribution helps a little. 
Nick P 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Heard on 5 live a true hero and have told all my friends , good luck Phil , no doubt at all you'll make the million , we salute you  
Steve Jackson 28/11/2008 £20.00 n/a Heard you on 5Live this morning. I was totally inspired by your attitude and guts. Top man. 
Dave Hoaran 28/11/2008 £50.00 £14.10 Just listened to you on 5 live,you will do it 
Patrick 28/11/2008 £100.00 £28.21 Heard on 5 Live. Your integrity shines  
Anita 28/11/2008 £10.00 n/a heard you on 5 live, very inspiring, good luck in your quest.  
Jeff Crawley 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 Heard of your appeal through 5Live. Good luck. You and all our hero service personnel are an inspiration to us all 
Cheryl 28/11/2008 £10.00 n/a Heard you on 5 live. Your determination to ensure something positive comes out of what happened to you is incredible & I wish you every success.  
Beryl 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Was inspired after hearing Phil on Radio 5 Live this morning. You're an inspiration Phil. Good luck in your endeavours xxx 
Hermione 28/11/2008 £25.00 £7.05 Having heard you on the radio this morning I wish you luck 
David Moed 28/11/2008 £50.00 £14.10 Inspirational and moving to hear you on 5 live - Good Luck!  
Suzanne Lazarus 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 Heard you on 5 Live. You are an inspiration and I wish you luck in all that you do. 
andrew fairclough 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Fantastic effort Phil. What an inspiration. 
David Mallett 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 I really enjoyed listening to you on 5Live today, best of luck over the next 6 months, I'm sure you'll succeed!! 
ginny 28/11/2008 £50.00 £14.10 Best of luck 
Helen 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 You are a true inspiration and make me feel very humbled and very grateful for all that you do. 
Steve C 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Good Luck Phil. I'm leaving the Navy soon and listening to you on 5 live makes me realise how much I'll miss the determined spirit of our forces. 
Duncan Brown (Ex 3Para) 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 All the very best of luck! 
alan 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Thanks Phil and all the Heroes that are keeping us safe we proud of all the armed forces 
chic stewart 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck with the fundraising effort 
Lou Park 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Amazing interview on the radio today good luck for the future 
Ange 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 Just heard you on 5 Live. You are a true hero and I wish you the best of luck. 
John Bancroft 28/11/2008 £50.00 £14.10 Great aim - here's to £1m and much more! 
Ski3n 28/11/2008 £5.00 n/a we have our freedom today due to our armed forces 
cathy saunders 28/11/2008 £10.00 n/a You are an inspiration! I spent several years fighting my way back from being bed/wheelchair bound - YOU WILL TO! Go Phil! xxx 
Robin Hurst 28/11/2008 £25.00 £7.05 I heard you on Radio 5 this morning, Good luck in all that you do, I know you will obtain the target! You are an inpiration!  
The Budd Family 28/11/2008 £50.00 £14.10 Heard the R5 interview and I am humbled. Good luck, Phil. 
Sachin Patel 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 What an inspiration. The best of luck to you. 
Mark 28/11/2008 £5.00 £1.41 Just heard you on Radio 5 , you are an inspiration to all, I wish you the very best of luck 
Alice 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck with the marathon, however long it takes! I really admire your guts 
Christopher Smart 28/11/2008 £5.00 £1.41 Absolutely inspirational 
Simon Clarke 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 I just listened to you on Five Live and was utterly inspired - good luck! 
k chown 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82  
Richard Boskett 28/11/2008 £25.00 £7.05 With your great attitude & motivation, you will reach your target , Good luck! 
David Evans 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 Another 5Live listener. Good luck 
THE DUTTONS 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 GO FOR IT! 
Moira 28/11/2008 £5.00 £1.41 My future son in law is joining the armyand I wish you all the very best with your fund raising. Welldone!! 
Tim Atkin 28/11/2008 £50.00 £14.10 Just heard you on R5 - you're a top man! I'm ex RHG/D with many friends who have benefited hugely from Headley Court. Good Luck for the future. 
Rod Brine 28/11/2008 £25.00 £7.05 listened to you on the radio this morning and wish you all the luck in the world Phil. 
Anonymous 28/11/2008 £50.00 £14.10 Just heard you on Five Live - what a man! 
Denise O'B 28/11/2008 £50.00 £14.10 What an example to us all! Good luck! 
Ray and Judy Mills 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck in all your endeavours - you are an inspiration 
Paul Whyton 28/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck with all your challenges 
Mike Patrick 28/11/2008 £25.00 £7.05 Good luck - truly inspirational  
Christina 28/11/2008 £10.00 n/a Just heard you on Radio 5 and very impressed. 
Sue Foyle 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 Good luck, you're an amazing guy - well done and keep up the great work to motivate people. 
Peter Kelsey 28/11/2008 £50.00 £14.10 Good luck, great attitude, a real hero. 
Fiona Balfour 28/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 Good Luck - hope you reach your target... 
Mum and Derek 27/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 OP 86400-HOTTIES-MOD Good luck Fiona - message for the rest of the team - Don't let Fiona get hungry ! All the best 
bob and pam weston 27/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 both our sons are in the forces and we wholeheartedly support you. 
Christine (Scotland) 26/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 OP 86400-HOTTIES-MOD-Hi Fiona, nice to hear from you, All the best! 
CL 26/11/2008 £15.00 £4.23 All the best to raise £1M! 
Bec Strickland 26/11/2008 £25.00 £7.05 Go Phil! Most amazing to bring our servicemen/women and their plight to the public eye. 
catherine johnson 25/11/2008 £25.00 £7.05 Good to see you again at the Chi Fest Theatre. Chichester is not the same without the Corps. God Bless. Rob's mum& Dad 
Alan Honey 25/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 OP 86400 ? HOTTIES ? MOD - Good luck 
Louise 25/11/2008 £50.00 £14.10 OP 86400-Nimrod Plodders-RAF Kinloss 
Dad & Tracey 24/11/2008 £50.00 £14.10 OP 86400 ? HOTTIES ? MOD ? Fi, wish we could do it with you but can't get a pass into the MOD, what a shame!!!! 
Gordon and Penny Caldwell 24/11/2008 £100.00 £28.21 Sorry we can't be with you at the Ball. Have a great evening and we will meet up again one of these days. 
Phil Packer 24/11/2008 £250.00 n/a Donations received at Eltham College on Sunday 
Ryan Preston 24/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck. You are an example to us all. I'm ashamed that you need to do this in the first place though. Where is the government when you need them.  
Mike Diggins 23/11/2008 £50.00 n/a OP 8640-DRAKE DIVAS-250,000 METRES 
Norman 23/11/2008 £5.00 £1.41 You are an inspiration to all our Heroes 
brian walton 23/11/2008 £30.00 £8.46  
lesley bacon 22/11/2008 £25.00 £7.05 I saw you on sky today, sir you are a true inspiration, good luck  
Dai Evans 22/11/2008 £25.00 £7.05 Phil you are amazing. Good luck. 
Stuart 22/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 All the best mate, just heard you on the radio. 
Jane Novak 22/11/2008 £100.00 n/a  
Jenny Wong 22/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 Just seen you on Sky News. Best of luck, what an inspiration you are! 
Geraldine Tinker 22/11/2008 £20.00 n/a All the best - you are amazing 
Marek 22/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 Phil, I admire your strength and determination! Good luck! 
MARK COCKBAIN 22/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck Phil 
C P 22/11/2008 £5.00 £1.41 Good luck - just seen you on Sky News 
Bob O 22/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck from CO19 
tommy smith 22/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 good luck to donna and the drake divas 
Mike Long 21/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64  
Dave Scotter 21/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 OP 86400 ? HOTTIES ? MOD ? Fi, enjoy the run - wish I could be doing it with you. All the best to Phil in raising £1 million for M4H. 
Tim Petransky 21/11/2008 £25.00 £7.05 Phil, Good luck with this, its inspirational suff. Tim 
Lisa Pilling 20/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 OP 86400 ? HOTTIES ? MOD - Fi, just be aware of those 'holding' the bike! Great Idea. Good luck to your team x Love Lisa, Mike & Kiss from Katy x 
Anonymous 20/11/2008 £10.00 £2.82 I am a friend of Miles Mitchell. Good luck and will done 
Beatrice Barletta 20/11/2008 £30.00 n/a You are an example for all us and proud to partecipate to your cause 
Dave Sippitt 19/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 MEC ?Phil, great determination and spirit, you should have been a bootneck!! They say charity starts at home so except this from a brother. 
ben hamilton 19/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 OP 86400-wizzkids-42CdoRM-good luck,love you x 
Angela's Friends 19/11/2008 £30.00 n/a Donated by Angela's Friends 
Janine Whitley 19/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 OP 86400-WIZZ KIDS-42CdoRM hope u make it...good luck, i'm nursing in Bastion now and think you're doing an awesome job x 
malin lobb 18/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 OP 86400-WIZZ KIDS-42CdoRM - gook luck big sis...proud of ya!!x 
Marc Sefton 18/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 OP 86400-WIZZ KIDS-42CdoRM Great cause, good luck 
Tim Hall 17/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 OP 86400-WIZZ KIDS-42CdoRM Best of Luck!! 
Clare Williams 17/11/2008 £20.00 £5.64 OP 86400-WIZZ KIDS-42CdoRM - Good luck Bex!! 
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Amount raised offline: £544,693.04
Gift Aid plus supplement: £188,019.45
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