Run 10k for Cancer Research UK
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Stu Taylor's Fundraising Page
Page creator: Stu Taylor
Event: Bournemouth Seafront
Event Date: 18th Oct 2009
Fundraising Page Image
I won't be running in this outfit
About my charity : Cancer Research UK Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK is the world's leading independent organisation dedicated to cancer research. We support research into all aspects of cancer through the work of more than 4,250 scientists, doctors and nurses. Over the past 10 years alone, thousands of lives have been saved through earlier detection and improved treatments. But, much work remains to be done if we are to achieve our aim of beating cancer.
Charity Registration No 1089464
Fundraising target:  £250.00
Donations so far:  £ 260.00
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My personal message:

So, it's about time I got off my butt and did this. Would rather do a 5K but apparently that's just for girls and "Real Men Do 10k!" or something.

Anyway, after much talk over the past couple of years, I'm biting the bullet and have started training for a 10k charity run in memory of my Dad who passed away far too early after a protracted battle with cancer.

In fact, by the time the run comes round, it will be almost four years since he died.

Also, more recently, my mum has now been diagnosed with a rare form of blood/bone marrow cancer. Thankfully it's treatable: a process she is going through now. To be honest, she probably felt left out and wanted some attention.

Thanks to the Trent for laying down the gauntlet and signing up before me ( Thanks, "mate" - now I have no excuse not to do it.

Apart from sponsoring me, it would be great to have your support on the day (friends and family who live in B'mth, obviously). If for the reassurance that if I do collapse midway, there'll be someone in the crowd who will point and laugh before then going off to fetch help.

Right, here's the science bit:

Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It's also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Cancer Research UK gets your money faster and, if you're a UK taxpayer, Justgiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.

A massive thanks to everyone who has sponsored me so far - it's really appreciated.



Display Name Date Amount Tax Bonus  Comment
Jen and Steve Shaw 16/10/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Good luck Stu, we're both of the opinion u should rethink wearing a costume.. if not Batman then with ur handlebar tache maybe an homage 2 Ron Jeremy! 
Suzanne Jary 14/10/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Hope youve been practising 
Lilly 12/10/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Good luck Batman! Am sure you and Trenty will be a dynamic duo on the day! Well done for raising pennies for a very worthy cause xx 
Mark Robins 07/10/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Run like the wind. Or like you've got wind. Good luck! Mark, Katie & Lucas 
The Humpf 05/10/2009 £10.00 £2.82 But you have to wear that Batman costume. I want photos : ) 
Kayleigh Watson 05/10/2009 £5.00 £1.41 GO STOOOO, GO STOOOO! 
Simon Harvey 05/10/2009 £50.00 n/a Best of luck Stu, a great cause! 
Dean Scott 25/09/2009 £10.00 £2.82 This is going to be like playing Track and Field, right? If so, cheat by fitting 'autofire' to your legs. Crack on, dude! 
Kat Osman 23/09/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Good luck Tiff x 
Rob Burman 21/09/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Best of luck mate! 
Paul Morgan 21/09/2009 £5.00 £1.41 Good luck fella - a crisp £20 note if you do run in that Batman outfit! 
Jay Filmer 21/09/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Good on you mate. 
Burnsy 21/09/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Good on you fella. If you need any training tips... ask Gareth! ;) 
Christina Love 28/08/2009 £10.00 £2.82 I'm sure you'll do fine. Your Dad would certainly be proud of you. 
Anna Larke 17/08/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Proud of you for doing this! Love you lots x  
Lynne Taylor 14/07/2009 £20.00 £5.64 Dad would be really proud darling - thank you. We'll all be there to cheer you on or pick you up!!!  
Neil Taylor 14/07/2009 £10.00 £2.82 Total respect Bro, my knee wouldn't hold up to a run like that so all power to you for doing it in memory of Dad!! I'll be there to support you!! 
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*Total donated online: £240.00
Amount raised offline: £20.00
Gift Aid plus supplement: £53.59
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