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  • Give the Gift of Sight to the poor in India

    Aravind Eye Foundation will provide free vision exams and spectacles for children, comprehensive care for patients with eye cancer and diabetic retinopathy, food and transportation services for poor patients in rural areas, training for doctors and healthcare professionals in other hospitals, funding for research into eye conditions and treatments, and outreach into rural areas.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £17,069.00

    Target: £127,265.00

  • Vaccinate Children and Prevent NINE Diseases

    Disease prevention training is provided for health workers, who then provide training for village families. Vaccinations are administered for women and children. The Alliance provides more than 5,000 vaccinations for villagers in 30 villages in and around the Ouelessebougou area. More than 60,000 vaccinations have been provided by the Alliance since 2003.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £9,148.00

    Target: £7,635.00

  • Clean Water and Sanitation -Rainforest of Peru

    Build a gravity water system & slow sand filter to deliver safe H20 to each home. Build flush latrines, sink, and eco-friendly septic system at the school. Establish health classes for teachers, children & mothers. Technically train a water committee

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £12,851.00

    Target: £63,776.00

  • Psychological Counseling for 20 Nepali Children

    Nepal Youth Foundation's Ankur Counseling Center provides counseling to hundreds of needy children for emotional, behavioral, or social problems. Sometimes, just a few sessions is sufficient to help resolve disturbances and give these children the tools to more effectively go on with their lives. Other children more severely troubled are given in-depth counseling for an average of six sessions.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £701.00

    Target: £2,437.00

  • Help mothers give their kids safe drinking water..

    With your support we can help with technical knowledge, cement, tools and a simple hand pump to enable the locals to dig their own well and then train the villagers to maintain the pump so it lasts for up to 20 years.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £995.00

    Target: £6,278.00

  • Medical Supplies for Hospitals in Haiti

    It has been reported that several hospitals were destroyed on Tuesday. The VIDA containers will help doctors and nurses to establish and supply temporary and active clinics therefore saving hundreds, if not thousands, of lives.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £25,589.00

    Target: £30,959.00

  • Teach Traditional Ethiopian Midwives to Save Lives

    Through clinical studies requested by the government, we provide evidence that the drug can be safely administered by traditional midwives who accompany the vast majority of births. We train 100 traditional midwives and support 1,000 births.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £6,031.00

    Target: £7,635.00

  • Essential Oils to Improve Tibetans' Health

    Essential oils have proven to be an effective complement to traditional Tibetan and western medical practices to successfully treat disease. Essential oils and bottles are needed to re-stock supplies. Seed funding is needed for an herb garden.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £933.00

    Target: £1,679.00

  • Save Poor Afghan Families From Starving

    As funds come in, AIL staff will make packages of food and fuel and deliver them to the neediest families. Packages will be delivered to the poorest families in different sections of Kabul and Herat.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £17,814.00

    Target: £19,089.00

  • Support Mother-Child Health for 40,000 Kashmiris

    Our health facilities have managed over 500,000 patient contacts from Mar 26, 2006 to June 1, 2011. Programs address primary and emergency healthcare, dental health, mental health, iodine/micronutrient deficiency and winter support to remote villages

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £218,757.00

    Target: £243,428.00

  • Rescue a Malnourished Child in Guatemala

    Casa Jackson provides in-house care to children suffering from acute-severe malnutrition and out-patient care to children who are more mildy, yet chronically, malnourished. We work with families to fix the issues that resulted in a child's diagnosis, including educating parents on proper nutrition and identifying underlying health issues complicating a child's recovery. We send recovered children home with fresh water filters, medicine, and food, and check in on their continued recovery often.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £64,575.00

    Target: £66,846.00

  • Provide Emergency Medical Care for Libyan Refugees

    International Medical Corps has deployed emergency response teams to address urgent health needs in eastern Libya and at the borders. This includes providing emergency medical care, distributing hygiene kits, and supporting nearby hospitals and clinics. Our teams at the Tunisia/Libya border are also implementing psychosocial first aid training for volunteers and primary health care workers.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £1,818.00

    Target: £6,149.00

  • Help Tanzania “Zinduka!” (Wake Up!) from Malaria!

    Zinduka! encourages families to protect themselves from malaria with life-saving mosquito nets and seek the right treatment when they are ill.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £234.00

    Target: £15,309.00

  • Help Afghan Women Deliver Healthy Babies Safely

    12,000 Afghan women will receive pre- and post-natal care, midwifery, family planning services, education on women’s reproductive health, delivery kits for home delivery, and assessment and intervention for high-risk pregnancies.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £7,362.00

    Target: £30,692.00

  • School Meals for Indigenous Children in Guatemala

    Fruit is provided in the morning, which includes pineapples, bananas, watermelons, cantaloupe, mangoes and oranges; lunch is then provided, including fresh produce, noodles, rice, beans and lentils. To benefit, the children must attend school.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £7,057.00

    Target: £13,358.00

  • Stop deaths from TB on Likoma Island, Malawi

    A fully equipped and staffed isolation ward would ensure that patients remain in hospital and are cared for properly. They would be fully educated and supported throughout their course of treatment. Patients will be discharged only when it is safe for them to go home. Lives will start being saved from the day the ward is opened.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £13,654.00

    Target: £27,380.00

  • Organic Health Response for HIV/AIDS in Kenya

    A solar-powered Internet center encourages residents to know their HIV status, providing cover and incentive for testing. An island-wide network of micro-clinics gives treatment support, organic nutrition and skills training to people living with HIV

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £1,632.00

    Target: £63,227.00

  • Provide aid to war affected in Vanni, Sri Lanka

    We will purchase dry rations, medicines and medical equipments for the IDP's and additional funds will be used to provide temporary accommodation and help relocating the displaced people.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £5,422.00

    Target: £32,869.00

  • Pakistan Floods Emergency Appeal

    Merlin's teams in Pakistan are pulling in medical supplies and calling on our in-country experts to ensure a rapid and effective response and ensure we get vital medical care to survivors.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £1,577.00

    Target: £248,596.00

  • The Back-Up Trust Mentoring Programme

    Our peer mentoring programme matches these vulnerable people who are new to spinal cord injury with highly trained, confident mentors. Our mentoring volunteers help people cope with their injury and develop a confident, independent lifestyle.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £388.00

    Target: £60,110.00