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  • Sports to Empower Women & Girls in Rwanda

    We build capacity amongst Rwandan women: for sports - players, coaches, referees, administrators; for life skills - education, health, promotion of women’s rights, peace & reconciliation; and for income generation - job skills & entrepreneurship.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £113,861.00

    Target: £167,990.00

  • Improving Lives of Youth with Disabilities, Kenya

    One-to-one friendships, Buddy Pairs, see each other twice a month taking part in everyday activities such as going out to eat, spending time at each other's homes and participating in sporting events. School Chapters hold 4 organized events a year.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £1,728.00

    Target: £2,545.00

  • Sports Versus Violence & Fight Terrorism

    Our project will let sport invade the local society in enhancing competitions and making good rewards for athletes, making from sport a way to live in peace and progress, it will help and push towards superior ethical enlightenment.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £1,023.00

    Target: £40,921.00

  • Football reaching 30,000 homeless in 64 nations

    The Homeless World Cup is a unique, pioneering social enterprise which exists to end homelessness. It uses football to energise homeless people to change their own lives. The person suffering exclusion on the margins becomes part of a team, adopts a routine, healthy lifestyle, self respect, and are trained in coaching skills. They change their life and become leaders working with more homeless people to change.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £12,598.00

    Target: £15,271.00

  • Provide opportunity through sport in Mbale Uganda

    By creating a "hub" for the Tag Rugby activities that have been working in the town for 4 years, young boys and girls will be able to participate in a fun, challenging and enjoyable sporting activity. Older children will be given the opportunity to take part in Young Leadership programmes and pass on their skills to younger primary school students. Importantly, positive influences and role models from within the Rugby club will be able to guide the behaviour and activities of the children.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £1,990.00

    Target: £32,161.00

  • Empower Kibera Youth Through Jump Rope

    Sending these youth to the East Africa Jump Rope Competition will expose them to life outside of Kibera. In the first year of the program the jumpers from Kibera gained recognition at the EAJRC and since then have performed around Nairobi. Their most visible performance was at Nyayo National Stadium (Kenya's biggest stadium) as the half time performance for a national soccer game. The regional competition provides exposure to new people and places and helps develop critical technical skills.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £2,107.00

    Target: £3,184.00

  • The African Child Sport & Education Fund Needs You

    Sadili Oval Sports Academy will give talented underprivileged children, girls and youth from slums in East Africa, an opportunity to get quality schooling, world class sports training and mentoring to succeed.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £7,142.00

    Target: £22,174.00

  • Using soccer to help vulnerable children in Africa

    Each child is placed in a development plan (DP) that oversees their progress in the Academy. Each coach invests time in the child, visits his family and monitors their progress at school. Local leaders are also trained to help in the community.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £35.00

    Target: £15,900.00

  • Transforming juvenile offenders in South Africa

    Hope Academy continues to be one of the most effective rehabilitation projects in SA. The Academy selects talented football players from all the prisons in the Western Cape and transfers them to Drakenstein youth prison. Once accepted into the Academy where they are housed in one communal cell the juveniles go through a rigorous one year program developing each juvenile holistically. The juvenile is mentored, his family recieve home visits, coached weekly and placed into an education program.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £2,894.00

    Target: £25,217.00

  • Using the power of soccer to fight HIV/AIDS

    Peer education in schools and community centres using a HIV soccer manual.Organising HIV awareness soccer tournaments.Also we use drama plays,educational videos to reach majority of youth who dont go to schools.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £6,799.00

    Target: £15,271.00

  • Train 3000 Kibera youth in sport & life skills

    We provide sports training, schooling, gender, HIV-AIDS and lifeskills education in order to improve livelihoods. Create job opportunities, improve health and build community spirit amongst the underpriviledged in Kibera, and Manyatta slums in Kenya

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £9,452.00

    Target: £217,460.00