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  • Support Women Farmers in Sudan

    Women Farmers Unite gives women the tools, resources and technical assistance they need to sustain their families for the long haul. Since recently purchasing a tractor, the farmers are now working to purchase an important attachment: a disc harrow. The disc harrow allows for deeper plowing, giving plants more access to underground water sources. This is an important adaptation now that climate change is causing more droughts in Sudan.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £4,096.00

    Target: £21,126.00

  • Protect Marine Ecosystems in Mexico

    Amigos de Sian Ka'an has worked and is working in different projects along the Yucatan peninsula, always focusing on integrative management strategies and to influence environmental regulation related to the tropical ecosystems. The different programs they are running go from mapping coastal habitats in the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve to develop integrative coral reef stress response plans, fostering the establishment of marine protected areas or working on management plans for different areas.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £2,209.00

    Target: £6,636.00

  • Prevent desecration of pristine Altai habitats

    Women elders lead in gathering their communities to protect aboriginal lands and culture. Volunteers secure complex documentation to be processed through the government and courts, to officially survey, register, and secure communally-held lands.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £22,749.00

    Target: £38,179.00

  • Empowering Fishing Communities in the MAR Reef

    Organized fishing communities will be able to request support through an open proposal presentation process, ranging from organizational strengthening, to monitoring their resources or developing management plans.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £1,303.00

    Target: £45,815.00

  • Control of Lionfish in the Mesoamerican Reef

    The project will help fishing communities and authorities to control lionfish and monitor advances through: training workshops on capture and handling methods and field activities to control this species.It will also increase awareness among coastal residents of the impacts of the lionfish invasion through effective communication campaigns and collaboration in control of the lionfish in the MAR System.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £184.00

    Target: £58,339.00

  • Protect Caribbean Rainforest in Costa Rica

    Through research efforts by the GVI CR team, we understand the critical nature of the park habitat to the local wildlife and the importance of preserving these animals. Through liaison with the Park Ranger's we understand that simply providing more fuel and food resources will enable a more comprehensive protection strategy and allow extra patrolling measures.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £3,207.00

    Target: £9,545.00

  • Trees for Water for Life in Cameroon

    Seeds collected by local people will be grown at a central community nursery and distributed to four villages for planting. The project will provide tools and equipment including pots, watering cans, protective clothing and locally sourced compost.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £4,846.00

    Target: £6,291.00

  • Beekeeping to Conserve Tanzania's Rainforest

    This project will provide additional incentives for participatory forest management through the introduction of beekeeping in natural forests (people will be motivated to protect the forests when their livelihood is at stake) and increase household income through the sale of honey and beeswax in local markets.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £2,209.00

    Target: £2,187.00