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  • LICC Limited

    LICC is a Christian organisation dedicated to equipping Christians with teaching and resources on contemporary issues, helping them to make a difference in the world, wherever God has placed them.

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    Registered charity No. 286102


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • CORD

    Cord is an international organisation working to build lasting peace in partnership with people living and working in conflict, or post-conflict situations. We believe these people hold the keys to peace and we work alongside them to make lasting peace a reality. Check out

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    Registered charity No. 1070684


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Council for World Mission

    The Council for World Mission is a cooperative of 31 Christian denominations worldwide with a common commitment to God's mission. The council exists as a forum for mutual support, an exchange of news, ideas and people, and as a pool of financial resources.

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    Registered charity No. 1097842


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • EnlightenNext

    EnlightenNext strives to be a leader in the emerging field of integral and evolutionary spirituality, and stands for the ultimate relevance of spiritual enlightenment in our time. Bringing together thought leaders, it helps define a new perspective on what it means to be alive in the 21st century.

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    Registered charity No. 1050701


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Christians Against Poverty

    Christians Against Poverty is a national charity working in partnership with local churches across uk. CAP provides top quality debt counselling and practical support to see people released from the pressures of debt and given a hope for the future.

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    Registered charity No. 1097217


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • The Nehemiah Project

    The Nehemiah Project is a London based Christian charity that helps rehabilitate those with addictions, especially from the streets or prison. An amazing 75 per cent of graduates remain drug and alcohol free.

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    Registered charity No. 1058536


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Rutland Historic Churches Preservation Trust

    Rutland Ride and Stride is one of the main fund raising activities to help maintain the buildings and other fabrics of the historic churches and chapels of Rutland. Why we need your help - Some Gems of Rutland .

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    Registered charity No. 211068


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Christian Aid

    Poverty is an outrage against humanity. It robs people of dignity, freedom and hope, of power over their own lives. Christian Aid has a vision - an end to poverty - and we believe that vision can become a reality.

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    Registered charity No. 1105851


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Merseyside Jewish Community Care

    Merseyside Jewish Community Care provides support for older people,disabled people,the visually impaired, those coping with mental health problems,families on low income and people who have become isolated from the community. Visit us on for more information.

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    Registered charity No. 1122902


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • JNF Charitable Trust

    JNF is an apolitical organisation benefiting all races and religions in Israel. It raises money for water projects, reservoirs and water conservation and has recently expanded its scope to run diverse projects for underprivileged people such as a hospital, a riding school for the disabled and a youth village.

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    Registered charity No. 225910


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Whitechapel Mission

    From its foundation in 1876, The Whitechapel Mission continues caring for the poor and homeless of London regardless of race or religion, in their struggle against hunger, poverty, disease, prejudice and exclusion.

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    Registered charity No. 227905


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Jesuit Missions

    Jesuit Missions in London helps many British Jesuits and others around the world who need support for their work, especially in Guyana, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Any help you give goes directly to them.

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    Registered charity No. 230165


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Community Of The Resurrection

    The Community of the Resurrection is a religious community based in Mirfield, West Yorkshire. Our members live a corporate life within the Anglican monastic tradition, the heart of which is worship. Many people from near and far come in a constant stream to Mirfield for spiritual refreshment, experience of monastic life and worship and for Christian education and formation. Sometimes we can hardly cope with the numbers. We find ourselves offering space and resources for women and men who seek encouragement, stillness and space to pray in the midst of stressful lives. At the heart of it all, our church is our place of worship and home for many other events. It is now in need of major refurbishment: structural repairs, a new heating system, rewiring, new lighting and sound systems, a new floor, redecoration and much-needed disabled access. If all our activities here are to flourish, we need a church able to meet the needs of today. We need your help to safeguard what makes this place special and to create a church that can serve and sustain its many users for another century. The patrons of the Centenary Church Appeal are the Archbishop of Canterbury and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. We also undertake charitable work at home and abroad especially in Zimbabwe and South Africa. In Zimbabwe we support a number of projects including an orphanage where it is aiming to provide a borehole.

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    Registered charity No. 232670


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Manchester Jewish Community Care

    Helping to make a difference to people in the community who are visually impaired, physically disabled, elderly, lonely or frail.

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    Registered charity No. 257238


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Samaritan's Purse

    Samaritan's Purse UK is a Christian relief and development organisation that works through local churches to proclaim and demonstrate the love of God amongst communities in need in 18 countries across Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. We are part of the global Samaritan’s Purse family that has been providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world since 1970.

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    Registered charity No. 1001349


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Bible Society

    At Bible Society, we’re about the Bible. We want people to have it, get it and live it – to see our world transformed by the power of God’s Word.

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    Registered charity No. 232759


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Islamic Relief

    Islamic Relief is an international relief and development charity that aims to alleviate the suffering of the world's poorest people. As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, it promotes sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities - regardless of race, religion or gender.

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    Registered charity No. 328158


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • London City Mission

    London City Mission exists to share with the people of London, patiently, sensitively and individually, the transforming love of God in Jesus Christ. It goes where they live, where they work, where they are settled, where they are marginalised, where they are being cared for.

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    Registered charity No. 247186


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • CPC

    CPC is a fast growing church, with a young heart & a passion for people! We believe that people are amazing, but that they can only reach their true potential as part of a larger team! Our church has groups that are specially designed for different personalities & cater for every age group.

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    Registered charity No. 247709


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • St Andrew's PCC, Leytonstone

    The church community at St Andrew's Leytonstone seeks to be a beacon of God’s love by actions as much as by words to all people irrespective of their faiths and beliefs. In addition to various events held at St Andrew's, many members are also involved in other volunteer work in the community.

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    Registered charity No. 249505


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00