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  • The RSA

    The RSA are an enlightenment organisation committed to finding innovative practical solutions to today’s social challenges. Through its ideas and research it seeks to understand and enhance human capability so we can close the gap between today’s reality and people’s hopes for a better world.

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    Registered charity No. 212424


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Edward Jenner Museum

    The Museum tells the story of Dr Edward Jenner, pioneer of vaccination. His achievement saved millions of lives and was a defining moment in history. It aims to educate the public, raise the importance of vaccination to public health and confirm Jenner's place as a national hero.

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    Registered charity No. 284085


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Age UK Surrey

    Age UK Surrey has been developing and implementing services for older people in Surrey for almost 50 years. These include Information and Advice, Hometime Gardening, Advocacy, Counselling and GO50 which organises walks and cycle rides. We are so grateful for your support and can't do without you.

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    Registered charity No. 1036450


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Thinktank Trust

    Thinktank, Birmingham Science Museum, is a busy, vibrant and successful museum welcoming 250,000 visitors each year. It is a place where families, friends, schoolchildren and communities learn and have fun together.

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    Registered charity No. 1061898


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Friends of Drayton Community Infant School

    Joe Mills, Laura Besenzi, Kate Hawkins and Serena Adams are aiming to climb Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon within a period of 24 hours. We hope that it will inspire the children to aspire to make a difference in their community. All proceeds with go towards updating ICT facilities at DCIS.

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    Registered charity No. 1062976


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Paddle Steamer Waverley

    Waverley is the last seagoing paddle steamer in the world. It operates day cruises in many parts of the British coast. It receives no government funding and needs volunteer support and donations to supplement fares and keep a unique maritime tradition alive. It has carried over 5 million passengers.

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    Registered charity No. SC005832


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Afghans Learn to Use Computers For Their Jobs

    Computer-training courses at seven locations will help rural and urban, female and male students develop technology skills. Students learn typing, the Internet, Word, and Excel. Afghans with technical skills in computers are immediately employable.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £7,824.00

    Target: £12,171.00

  • Provide Solar Technology & Basic Computer Training

    The project will set up a solar powered computer lab and access to multimedia training and the internet that will significantly increase learning opportunities and broaden the horizons of this rural community – equipping them for success.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £1,333.00

    Target: £5,189.00

  • BIME

    BIME is a design and development charity, based at the Royal United Hospital in Bath, working in the fields of assistive technology and healthcare for disabled children and adults. Please take a look at our website or follow us on twitter @BIME_Bath or on facebook BIME

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    Registered charity No. 256335


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Ablution block and Kitchen for 500 in Nairobi Slum

    With community participation in design and construction,, we will construct an ablution block and community kitchen, train the community in system operation and maintenance, and turn it over to the community for use and income generation.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £5,241.00

    Target: £14,559.00

  • ITZN - International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature

    Names are the keys to keeping track of the world’s biodiversity, linking information and grounding policies and laws. The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN, with ITZN Trust support) provides the governance that keeps sense and stability in scientific names of animals.

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    Registered charity No. 211944


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Empower Youths Through Computer Skills Training

    Youth & young adults are provided with free training in basic computer skills, office applications & Internet. These skills are in high demand. Group interactions, mentoring, discussions and question & answer sessions help to reinforce learning.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £693.00

    Target: £5,083.00

  • Computer Skills for 50 Needy Youths in Kenya

    This project provides computer & ICT skills for needy youth. The youths are trained in photography, videography and computer packages. The youths then provide computer and ICT services to the schools and institutions in the community, making a profit

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £141.00

    Target: £2,580.00

  • Rebuilding Alliance Crowdsource Mapping & Advocacy

    Your donation will build a crowdsource mapping program, engaging villagers and the human rights community in presenting the flip-side to the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements. These demolitions are not like a tsumani or other natural disaster. These are man-made policies, policies that can be changed. The maps will provide a way to engage the grassroots community worldwide and reach policy-makers to press for fair housing law and the democratic right of Palestinian villages to grow.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £0.00

    Target: £10,837.00

  • EDT

    EDT works across the UK to enthuse young people about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). Working with business partners, we offer projects, paid work placements and fun activites that demonstrate exciting careers, build the skills and confidence to succeed.

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    Registered charity No. 1002459


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Young people create mobile apps for social change

    Apps for Good is a programme where young people learn to create mobile and Facebook apps to solve real-life problems. Through the guidance of an Apps for Good instructor, peer learning and the Apps for Good Expert Community of designers, developers and entrepreneurs, teams learn about all steps in the software product development process in a very practical way. We believe we are bridging the knowledge gap in technology and putting the tools in the hands of young people.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £3,662.00

    Target: £15,849.00

  • GTCF

    GTCF exist to bring change and hope to the disadvantaged and the socially excluded through, teaching workshops Art, Drama, Music, Vocal training and Information Technology. We have close ties with a Church in India who we want to sponsor and support in building orphanages and places of learning.

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    Registered charity No. 1126850


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • The Mount (Clitheroe Mosque)

    After 40 years, Clitheroe is finally on the verge of establishing its first mosque - providing vital services for Muslims in the area. It will be a centre for all the community hosting events, and will have a refreshment area for everyone. Funds are required for comprehensive refurbishment

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    Registered charity No. 1120075


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • The Centre for Computing History

    A permanent public exhibition that tells the story of the Information Age, The Centre preserves and presents a collection of important computers and related artefacts. It spotlights the people behind the inventions and records the information necessary to inspire and enthuse future generations.

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    Registered charity No. 1130071


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Hope 4 Kidz

    Established in May 2007 Hope 4 Kidz gives children a sense of hope and support, the wellbeing of youngsters who require various degrees of extra care, whether they are suffering from a physical or mental disability, living with a serious/prolonged illness, or need respite from poverty/abuse.

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    Registered charity No. 1121326


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00