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  • Royal National Institute of Blind People

    RNIB - helping blind and partially sighted people. Every day another 100 people will start to lose their sight. RNIB is the leading UK charity offering practical support & information to anyone with a sight problem. We campaign to eliminate avoidable sight loss and support research into eye health.

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    Registered charity No. 226227


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Dyslexia Action

    1 in 10 people in the UK are affected by dyslexia, which can impact all areas of life, not just reading and writing. It can cause low self esteem, anxiety and even depression if unidentified. Your donations allow us to change the lives of people with dyslexia through our centres and outposts.

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    Registered charity No. 268502, Scotland SCO39177


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Muscular Dystrophy Campaign

    The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign leads the fight against muscular dystrophy and related muscle-wasting conditions in the UK. We fund world-class research, provide free information and support, give grants towards equipment and campaign to raise awareness and bring about change.

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    Registered charity No. 205395 (England and Wales) - SC039445 (Scotland)


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Centrepoint

    Centrepoint is the UK’s leading charity for homeless young people. It provides housing and support for over 1,200 16-25 year olds every year, helping them into work and a home of their own.

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    Registered charity No. 292411


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Sense International

    Sense International's mission is to ensure that deafblind people throughout the world receive the education and services they need to develop their talents and play a valued role in society.

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    Registered charity No. 1076497


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • I CAN

    I CAN is the children's communication charity. We are the only UK-wide charity that supports children's communication skills, the springboard from which children learn, achieve and make friends. I CAN works to foster the development of speech, language and communication skills in all children with a special focus on those who find this hard: children with a communication disability.

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    Registered charity No. 210031


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Chickenshed

    Chickenshed is a charity that must raise over £3 million every year. We're a theatre company like no other, where children, young people and adults from every walk of life, all educational backgrounds, every race and all abilities come together, share a stage and create unforgettable theatre.

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    Registered charity No. 1012369


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • National Star Centre for Disabled Youth Limited

    The National Star College is a specialist College where students with complex disabilities are equipped and empowered to shape their future and achieve success. We are a caring community sharing knowledge, respect and experience; a place overflowing with a passion for life and learning.

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    Registered charity No. 220239


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Life Education Centres

    Life Education Centres is the UK's leading health and drug education charity. The organisation works with local communities that want to help their young people make positive health choices. The charity provides inspirational and memorable learning experiences in health education for children and young people from the ages of three to 15.

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    Registered charity No. 800727


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Youth Sport Trust

    The Youth Sport Trust aims to build a brighter future for young people by increasing young people's participation and enjoyment of PE and school sport.

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    Registered charity No. 1086915


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • RAF Museum

    The RAF Museum is Britain's only national Museum dedicated wholly to aviation. Its collection of 500,000 artefacts and more than 200 aircraft is the largest in Europe. Donations support vital work preserving the collection, acquisition of new objects and education and community activities.

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    Registered charity No. 244708


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • The Attlee Foundation

    The Attlee Foundation was set up to commemorate Clement Attlee's life, work and achievements through piloting projects that benefit the people he cared most about - those disadvantaged by poverty, disability or lack of opportunity, particularly young people. Its work ranges from making small grants to research and major capital projects.

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    Registered charity No. 1087259


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Pestalozzi International Village Trust

    Through education, Pestalozzi International Village Trust offers a long term solution towards improving conditions in the developing world. We educate exceptional young people aged 16-19 from developing countries (currently Zimbabwe, India, Nepal, Zambia and Tibet) who could not otherwise continue their studies due to extreme poverty and factors such as civil and political conflict. We bring them together to our international community in the UK for a fully funded two year programme, enabling them to go on to contribute to development in the areas that need it most, through for example medicine, economics, engineering and politics. We rely on donations to continue our work. Without your support we could not change the futures of these remarkable young people, and ultimately the futures of their home communities. Thank you.

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    Registered charity No. 1098422


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • The Snowdon Award Scheme

    The Snowdon Award Scheme helps physically and sensory impaired people meet the extra costs of studying in further and higher education. Students with places at UK colleges and universities can apply for help with costs such as sign language interpreters, notetakers, computers and other specialised equipment and service needs.

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    Registered charity No. 282754


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Karuna Trust

    Karuna supports educational, health and cultural projects throughout South Asia that are helping thousands of oppressed women, men and children to develop the skills, dignity and confidence to transform their lives and take their rightful place in society.

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    Registered charity No. 327461


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Learning For Life

    We make a real difference by bringing education to children living in remote and marginalized communities in South Asia, giving them the chance to escape from a life of desperate poverty.We also provide much needed health care, empower women, and offer skills training for young people.

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    Registered charity No. 1105277


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • National Literacy Trust

    The National Literacy Trust aims to create a society in which everyone has the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills that they need to fulfil their own and, ultimately, the nation’s potential.

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    Registered charity No. 1116260


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • Lattitude Global Volunteering

    We are an international development and educational charity which specialises in overseas volunteering for 17-25 year olds. Our global vision and aim is to provide unique, challenging and supported experiences of voluntary work placements for young people and to promote global awareness.

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    Registered charity No. 272761


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • National Autistic Society

    The National Autistic Society exists to champion the rights and interests of over half a million people with autism and to ensure that they and their families receive quality services appropriate to their needs.

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    Registered charity No. 269425


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00

  • the NSPCC

    The NSPCC's purpose is to end cruelty to children in the UK. We run a wide range of services for both children and adults, including national helplines and local projects.

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    Registered charity No. 216401 and SC037717


    Raised: £1.00

    Target: £1.00