Homelessness charities: International
Support these charities in their efforts to house people in some of the most deprived areas on earth, through affordable housing and self-build initiatives, grants and technical help.

Registered charity
No. 1124604

The Africa Social Action Project (ASAP!), raises funds for impoverished orphans living in Hazyview South Africa, who have lost both parents to the AIDS epidemic. With your help we can provide these vulnerable children not only with clothes, food and medicine but hope for a better future. Please give generously.


Registered charity
No. 1123786
Architecture Sans Frontieres - UK

ASF is making community and international development issues, in particular those impacting on disadvantaged and vulnerable people, integral to the practice and teaching of architecture.

Our motivation for establishing ASF stems from an ambition to make architectural practice more relevant to the majority of the world?s population who are living in marginalised or poverty situations (both in the UK and worldwide). At architecture school students are taught to provide solutions to complex issues, however, often people in communities benefit more from being involved in the process of development than by being disempowered recipients of more often inappropriate solutions. It was these frustrations that lead a small team of dedicated volunteers to create ASF and in doing so establish an organisation that supports architectural education by teaching (and working with) the essential participatory tools and techniques required when working as a professional in community or international development projects.


Registered charity
No. 281411
The Beacon Projects

The Beacon Projects provides hope for the orphaned children in Blantyre – Malawi’s largest city and capital of the country’s southern region.


Registered charity
No. 517995
The Bethany Project - Children's home - Tanzania

A childrens' home in Tanzania, East Africa - caring for orphaned , abandoned or abused children who have no one else to care for them. To provide them with loving care, education and moral values which will equip and enable them to make a positive improvement and have a lasting impact on the fabric of Tanzanian society and culture when they leave.


Registered charity
No. 1084800
Calcutta Hope

Calcutta Hope is a charity that works for homeless street children. Calcutta Hope runs a home for children and is appealing to supporters to assist with its running cost and sponsorship of the 50 homeless children who live there. Please find out more: www.calcuttahope.org Thanks!


Registered charity
No. 1073903
Casa Alianza UK

Casa Alianza provides care, rehabilitation and legal aid services for over 10,000 street children each year in Nicaragua, Honduras and Mexico.

Services include, outreach, crisis centres that are open 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, full time residential

Programmes and community support and family reintegration.


Registered charity
No. 1113673

Casa Reom Trust is a UK based charity co-ordinating fundraising to build a new centre and school for street children near Beira, the second largest city in Mozambique, Africa. Dormitories, classrooms, sanitary blocks, kitchen and communal meeting area are all planned for construction which commenced in 2005.


Registered charity
No. 1130841
Cheka Sana

It aims to provide relief from povety and hardship among children living on the streets of Tanzania by the provision of shelter, food, health and education.


Registered charity
No. 1120576
Christian Action UK

Christian Action UK supports vulnerable people living in China's third poorest province of Qinghai. Qinghai Province is situated in the northwest of China, on the Tibetan Plateau, and is the source of China?s great rivers. Christian Action UK provides funds for orphaned and abandoned children in Qinghai, as well as schools, homes and rehabilitation facilities for Han Chinese, Tibetans and other ethnic groups living there.


Registered charity
No. 1121048
Congo Children Trust

Congo Children Trust supports the Kimbilio project in Lubumbashi, DRCongo. Kimbilio provides street children with access to food and shelter, education and training. The ultimate aim being reconnection with their families and reintegration into society. Kimbilio is also supported by CMS and works alongside the Anglican Church in Congo.


Registered charity
No. SC014849
The Cyrenians (Aberdeen)

The Cyrenians aim to meet the needs of people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or affected by homelessness in any way. They listen to difficulties, understand needs, share burdens, provide professional care and strive to identify permanent solutions. Established in 1968, The Cyrenians have been supporting people in the Aberdeen area for the past 40 years.


Registered charity
No. 1107385
Depaul International

Depaul International works with homeless and disadvantaged people across Europe and the USA. It provides outreach and day centre services for vulnerable street children in Ukraine, accommodation and medical services for the elderly in Slovakia, as well as having over 50 projects in the UK, Ireland, and USA.


Registered charity
No. 1123425
Friends of Alalay (Santa Cruz)

Friends of Alalay (Santa Cruz) rescues children from the streets of Santa Cruz, Bolivia and offers them a loving environment living together in family cabins. The children are educated, loved and encouraged in their future working lives. Please support Friends of Alalay (Santa Cruz) - a charity that finds, feeds, houses, educates and loves street kids in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Every penny collected goes directly to help the kids - there are no admin costs. www.alalay.co.uk


Registered charity
No. 1095521
Friends of Mombasa Children

We provide education and care for children who could not otherwise attend school. We have built Frere Town Junior Acadamy for such children, which we maintain through sponsorship and donations.


Registered charity
No. 1001769
Future Hope

"Giving the Street Children of Today a Better Tomorrow"

Future Hope was founded in 1988 to help to provide a home, an education, health care and opportunity for street children in Kolkata.

Find out more at www.futurehope.net and sign up for regular news at www.futurehope.net/newsletter


Registered charity
No. 1123147
The Gordon Stokoe (G4S/LST) Trust

This charity helps to improve access to education in Tanzania. It is currently raising funds to build a community school in Moshi. This will help to take children off the street and give them a future.


Registered charity
No. 1063694
Gwalior Childrens Hospital (Help Children of India)

Gwalior Childrens' Hospital Charity is working to help and provide for poor, needy, destitute, disabled and underprivileged esp. children, women and old, the most vulnerable of Gwalior and Chambal region through Gwalior Hospital for Children and Women, Ophthalmic Centre, General Hospital, Rural health centres and Gwalior mobile hospital to provide a wide range of specialised medical care and health educational services in Gwalior and Chambal region, its slums, rural and remote areas. In addition GCHC supports children in existing schools and Orphanages as well runs a School for special needs and is building an Orphanage- Snehalaya to accommodate 200 of disabled and destitute children, details on http://www.helpchildrenofindia.org.uk


Registered charity
No. 1063694
Gwalior Childrens Hospital (Help Children of India)

Gwalior Childrens' Hospital Charity is working to help and provide for poor, needy, destitute, disabled and underprivileged esp. children, women and old, the most vulnerable of Gwalior and Chambal region through Gwalior Hospital for Children and Women, Ophthalmic Centre, General Hospital, Rural health centres and Gwalior mobile hospital to provide a wide range of specialised medical care and health educational services in Gwalior and Chambal region, its slums, rural and remote areas. In addition GCHC supports children in existing schools and Orphanages as well runs a School for special needs and is building an Orphanage- Snehalaya to accommodate 200 of disabled and destitute children, details on http://www.helpchildrenofindia.org.uk


Registered charity
No. 1043641
Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity was founded in 1976, with the sole aim of ridding the world of poverty housing. Using donated money, materials and labour we work in partnership with people in need of shelter to build safe, decent homes in over 90 countries around the world. Today we have built, repaired or renovated over 300,000 homes, helping over one and a half million people in more than 3,000 communities.


Registered charity
No. XR18070
Habitat for Humanity Northern Ireland

Habitat for Humanity is a worldwide Christian housing ministry. Habitat seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Building in over 90 countries, the average cost of a Habitat for Humanity house in the developing world is £1,235. In Northern Ireland we support global Habitat for Humanity projects by raising funds and sending Global Village volunteer teams. Habitat also works locally, bringing together thousands of volunteers to help regenerate and reconcile divided communities.


Registered charity
No. 1122876

HAPsI aims to fund projects in south India which exist primarily to care for destitute children. It supports a children's home which feeds, clothes and guarantees good education to about 40 children, mainly orphans and some disabled. There is the intention that HAPsI will also support self sustaining development projects among very poor rural communities in the same area.


Registered charity
No. 1017255
Homeless International

Homeless International supports partners in Africa and Asia who are working with slum communities to reduce poverty and to improve living conditions. We believe that poor communities have a right to safe and secure housing, and that through working together to express their ideas and needs, they can play a central role in creating equitable cities.


Registered charity
No. SC037091
Homeless World Cup Foundation

We use football to energise and empower people who are homeless or excluded to change their own lives. The Homeless World Cup Foundation supports grass roots football development programmes in over 60 nations triggered by the Homeless World Cup, an established international football tournament addressing health, education and welfare globally. 77% of players change their lives significantly after participating.


Registered charity
No. XT11420
Hope in South Africa

Hope in South Africa is helping to alleviate poverty in South Africa. It donates funds raised in the UK to partner organisations in South Africa who run projects aimed at creating employment and easing hardship.


Registered charity
No. 1119758

HopeAsia's Primary focus is to support an orphanage in rural Cambodia. They have raised funds to build accomodation and teaching buildings as well as providing food, day to day expenses and emergency health care and treatment They currently care for approximately 50 youngsters.


Registered charity
No. 1083224
House of Hope Nepal

House of Hope Nepal supports an orphanage on the outskirts of Kathmandu, ensuring the children are cared for and educated in a family environment. House of Hope encourages community and educational links in the local area and with students from the UK.


Registered charity
No. 1091883
Just Children Foundation UK

It aims to provide care and shelter to children on the streets of Zimbabwe, offers counselling and teaching within a Christian context. It advocates for the rights of children.


Registered charity
No. 1130377

It's a home for orphaned and abandoned children of all ages, located in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania.


Registered charity
No. 1111220
Kids Aid Tanzania

Kids Aid Tanzania supports 135 children at the Hisani and Watoto orphanages near Mwanza, on the south-east shore of Lake Victoria. The children have lost their parents from the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the country. We have to raise £20 a month per child to provide them with care, clothing, food, education and to meet their medical needs. Any money raised over and above this can be used for improvements to their living accommodation. To date, we have built new dormitories, toilets and showers, and provided a water storage tank.

We are also fundraising to provide a malaria education and mosquito net distribution project which will benefit 3,500 children and 2,500 pregnant women living in the Bugarika squatter settlement in Mwanza. The protection provided by one insecticide-treated bed net, costing £4, can save the lives of two children or prevent one women from miscarrying or giving birth early to an under-weight baby particularly vulnerable to the many diseases found within the settlement. Pictures of the children at the orphanages and of the Bugarika settlement will be found on our website www.kidsaidtanzania.org.uk


Registered charity
No. 1102135
Liverpool Habitat for Humanity

Habitat seeks to eliminate housing poverty and increase access to home ownership Liverpool Habitat for Humanity (LHfH) is locally run and self-funded affiliate of Habitat for Humanity, the non-denominational Christian charity dedicated to eliminating poverty housing worldwide. LHfH is delivering 32 homes for people in housing need and on low incomes in Toxteth.


Registered charity
No. 1096861

Simple acts of kindness: we help local people throughout the world , people who take care of children at risk because of war, famine, violence or disease.


Registered charity
No. 1096068
Mercy In Action

We work with local people in the Philippines and Myanmar to alleviate poverty and care for abandoned children. We sponsor over 300 kids through school and have facilities for 100 kids in our purpose built home, feeding programs for hundreds of kids living on a rubbish dump. Regular team challenges enable volunteers to take part in our work overseas.


Registered charity
No. 1108364
The Nepal Balbalika Trust

The Nepal Balbalika Trust is a small charity, which aims to improve the lives of Nepalese orphans. The trust is in the process of finishing it's first orphanage outside Kathmandu which will educate and care for 56 children. The charity holds the world record for the highest concert and broke the world record forthe longest performance 44 hours non stop and this year is trekking and gigging with remote tribes in the Amazon. www.music4children.org


Registered charity
No. 1033161
NEST - The New Start Trust

NEST works with communities to build homes for orphaned and vulnerable children in regions affected by economic hardship, using eco-friendly and sustainable housing solutions.


Registered charity
No. 1081528

Humanitarian aid and development in UK and elsewhere but mainly in Bangladesh.


Registered charity
No. 1095664
Open Arms International

Open Arms is caring for orphaned children in Africa and India. It also works with families and communities ravaged by poverty, disease and injustice to bring hope for a brighter future, in part through building orphans' homes, and also running community feeding programmes and medical clinics.


Registered charity
No. 1122797
Refuge Nepal

Refuge Nepal helps disadvantaged women and children in Nepal, raising money to provide housing, education and medical aid.


Registered charity
No. 1122799

Our Vision:

To see street children realise their potential and discover their worth.

Our Mission Statement:

Through its work Retrak will enable street children in Africa to have a real alternative to life on the street. (Retrak currently has projects in Uganda, Ethiopia and Kenya).

Retrak believes that every child is a unique and valuable gift, and that safe family is the preferred environment for a child to grow up and develop. We believe that the community has a vital role to play in the protection and development of the life of its children.

Retrak?s services for street children include:

o Healthcare, refuge, education, employment opportunities and sports.

o Long term care as they rediscover their identity and purpose.

o Foster care placements and/or resettlement to their family/community of origin.

o Supporting the transition into a self sustaining community life.

o A voice that speaks on their behalf.


Registered charity
No. 1062807
The Rotary Club Of Sale Benevolent Fund

Sale Rotary Club raises funds to support local, national and international causes, both directly and through Rotary's own charity, the Rotary Foundation. Not commonly known, Rotary is responsible for virtually eliminating polio throughout the world.


Registered charity
No. 1096479

ShelterBox is an international disaster relief charity that specialises in emergency shelter. We instantly respond to disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes, sending boxes of aid which will provide shelter, warmth and dignity to the people affected. One ShelterBox, which provides aid for an extended family of up to 10 people costs £490, including delivery to the people most in need.

To respond to a disaster as quickly possible, we need to have complete flexibility with our funds and equipment and can therefore never accept location or time specific donations. However, we can guarantee that every donation we receive will make a huge difference to people who have lost everything due to disaster.


Registered charity
No. 700808
St Bede's College Run for Life

All moneys collected for St Bede?s College Run for Life, taking place on 21/03/2010 at Heaton Park, will help and support the TLC for orphaned babies and children in Africa, The School Under the Tree in Awassa, Ethiopia and the families of the recent devastation caused by the earthquake in Haiti.


Registered charity
No. 1118871
St George Foundation

It works to relieve poverty and sickness and advance education, in particular, but not exclusively, amongst homeless children and young people in Sierra Leone


Registered charity
No. 1119578
Street Action

Street Action is an NGO committed to the issue of street children. We raise support and build connections and links for local and pioneering organisations in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly organisations run by former street children. Street Action is also engaged in advocacy around the issue of street children.


Registered charity
No. 1124575
Street Kids Rescue

Street Kids Rescue


Registered charity
No. 1127206

StreetInvest invests in children on the street. StreetInvest believes that every child should have a safe, trusted adult in their lives. Most children on the street do not. StreetInvest therefore identifies, trains and supports street workers who fulfil this role.


Registered charity
No. 1102500
Tabitha Foundation UK

Tabitha Foundation UK supports Tabitha Cambodia by: - Raising funds and awareness for the Wells for Clean Water Project - A variety of alternative gifts for partnership donors - Promoting volunteer house building teams to travel to Cambodia - Supporting cottage industry projects by promoting Tabitha's handmade products HOUSEBUILDING TEAMS PLEASE NOTE: When setting up your own page please notify the Tabitha UK office on [email protected] with your contact details and intended date of your housebuilding trip.


Registered charity
No. 1108660
Tamil Aid

Tamil Aid is a small charity with an aim of reliving poverty and distress in the war and tsunami affected areas of SriLanka. Tamil Aid is raising funds to help the children in the IDP camps in the north of Sri Lanka to get their lives back by identifying specific projects aimed at education. These children are engaged in a fight for survival within these camps and they need help to create a future for themselves and their families. Currently the charity is trying to provide funds to help local schools take responsibility for some children under the age of 10 to be released form the displacement Camps and be sent to schools that can accommodate them and provide education facilities.


Registered charity
No. 1089289
Uhuru Ministries

Uhuru Ministries reaches out to young people and families living in desperate poverty in Kisumu, Kenya. It assists young people to achieve their potential and become the providers of tomorrow by sponsoring them through school, further education and training, as well as providing residential living for homeless and orphaned boys.


Registered charity
No. 1004636
Whitefield Christian Trust

The Whitefield Christian Trust was established in 1992 to help meet the needs of those who have worked in overseas Christian mission for many years to have a home on return to the UK. These people have spent their lives in serving others and have little prospect of returning to a home to call their own without help.

Money given is used to supplement the resources of the applicant in the form of a shared equity. Part of the property purchased remains an asset and the value returns to the trust when a property is no longer needed. A small group of trustees including a financial advisor and solicitor consider applications to see whether agreed criteria are met. Administration expenses are minimal. Those helped include singles, married couples and also some families. They live in different parts of the UK in the location of their choice.


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