Get your favourite charity on Justgiving

If you work for a charity and want to find out more about our services, please visit our charities area, contact us on 020 7067 0988 or send an email to [email protected]. Please do not submit a nomination form.

Not all charities are on Justgiving as they have to register with us first.

If you'd like us to contact the charity you're raising money for and invite them to start using Justgiving, please fill in their details below. Alternatively you can contact them directly and encourage them to sign up with us.

Details of all UK registered charities can be found on the Guidestar web site.

Required fields are highlighted by a

* Your first name:
* Your last name:
* Your email address:
We will only share your details with the charity you have nominated.
* Charity name:
Please note
* Charity website:
Contact first name at charity:
Please note
Contact last name at charity:
* Charity's contact email address:
Please note
Charity's contact telephone number:
Tell us why you want to raise funds for this charity: