International aid agencies: Disability
Help disabled people abroad by supporting charities that provide vital equipment and mobility aids, education and training.

Registered charity
No. SC038205
500 miles

500 miles aims to support the delivery of prosthetic and orthotic services and surgery which promotes mobility and function for amputees and other disabled people in Malawi and Zambia. Prostheses are devices which substitute for body parts which are missing and orthoses are devices, like splints, which support body parts which are present but which are weak or do not function properly. 500 miles helps people to access and afford prosthetic, orthotic and surgical services today - but, through training and education, it is also trying to develop the future capacity of these services in Malawi and Zambia. Visit www.500miles.co.uk for more information.


Registered charity
No. 326859

AbleChildAfrica exists to improve the lives of the estimated 50m children and young people who are living with disability in Africa. We do this by supporting partner organisations to carry out life changing work with them. We think disabled children and disabled young people should be allowed to decide what changes they would like to see, so we make sure that the organisations which we work with actively involve disabled children and young people in their decision making. We have been working in East Africa for the past twenty years and during that time have affected the lives of over 250,000 disabled children and young people. We are currently working in Uganda and Kenya and hope to expand our work to other African countries in the future. The programmes we run include rehabilitative healthcare, inclusive education, parents support groups, children's after school clubs and campaigning work which seeks the full inclusion of disabled children and disabled young people in policy and practice everywhere we work.


Registered charity
No. 294860
Action On Disability And Development

Disabled people in Africa and Asia are amongst the very poorest of the poor. ADD helps them to take control of their own lives by providing training and funds for their self-help groups. ADD supports them as they campaign for basic human rights and rightful inclusion in society.


Registered charity
No. 1092719
Advantage Africa

Advantage Africa supports inspirational people in Africa to overcome poverty and disadvantage. Working in close partnership with determined individuals and community groups, Advantage Africa helps create new opportunities for people affected by injustice, poverty, disability and HIV/AIDS to improve their lives.


Registered charity
No. 1110180

Asian Foundation for Philanthropy (AFP) facilitates a broad movement of engagement with development initiatives in India. Through three programmes of international volunteering, development awareness and donor programme it works at the grassroots level to ensure that the poorest people can improve their lives, livelihoods, and have a stronger voice in decisions that affect them.


Registered charity
No. 1095001

AFRINSPIRE supports indigenous African initiatives in community development and poverty reduction. Engaging in children?s education, women's literacy, transferring technology, and income generation, AFRINSPIRE supports local community development initiatives at their own pace. People and projects are supported in Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Sudan.


Registered charity
No. 1084414
Basingstoke GAP

GAP offers young people with learning disabilities an opportunity to achieve through the Gateway Award Scheme which is like the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme. It takes place within a youth club setting and they are encouraged to set themselves new challenges, learn new skills and broaden their horizons.


Registered charity
No. 1092481

Bridge2Aid provide dental care, education and training programmes in North West Tanzania, and run a community development programme for the poor and disabled living on the streets of Mwanza.


Registered charity
No. 270941
British Council for the Prevention of Blindness

The British Council for the Prevention of Blindness prevents blindness worldwide by funding research into the causes of blindness and more effective treatments. The charity also specialises in training for medical professionals from developing countries who learn how to set up programmes which save the sight of many thousands of people.


Registered charity
No. 1032476
The Cambodia Trust

The Cambodia Trust works with disadvantaged disabled people to enable them to participate as equals in education, employment and community life. The Trust aims to reduce poverty and increase self-sufficiency, through rehabilitation, community work, training and advocacy.


Registered charity
No. 1058162

CBM, the overseas disability charity, works to improve the lives of people with disabilities in the poorest communities. Our goal is to empower people to change their own lives.

Based on Christian values and more than 100 years of professional expertise, CBM addresses poverty as a cause and consequence of disability, and works in partnership to create a society for all.

CBM works with over 700 partners in over 90 countries, and reaches out to more than 23 million people each year.


Registered charity
No. 1055166
Christian Relief Uganda

It supports a primary school and school for the deaf in Kamuli, Uganda; runs community development programmes in Kamuli District and runs volunteer trips to Uganda, including Dental Missions


Registered charity
No. 1089918

Deafway’s vision is that all deaf people, wherever they live, get the same chances in life as everybody else. Deafway aims to identify and remove the barriers that prevent deaf people from achieving their true potential and from participating fully in all aspects of life.


Registered charity
No. 1016055
Friends of Curnow School

Supporting children with severe and profound learning difficulties.


Registered charity
No. 1117759
Friends of ROSHNI UK

ROSHNI is a special school/therapy centre for disabled children in Gwalior,India. Many have Cerebral Palsy/learning difficulties.ROSHNI run a nursery,special school,vocational training centre,and support children at mainstream schools.Friends of ROSHNI UK raises funds and sends volunteers to ROSHNI


Registered charity
No. 1082565
Handicap International UK

Handicap International, co-laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize, is an international development organisation focusing on issues around disability and inclusion. Our vision is of a world where all disabled people can fully access and exercise their human rights.


Registered charity
No. 1107038

IcFEM is changing the lives of rural people in Western Kenya. There's evangelism; education; health; relief & welfare; agriculture; small enterprise; and other work. Over 15,000 IcFEM volunteers work in their own locality. Over 90 children are sponsored in education.


Registered charity
No. 1069182
International Service

We are an international development charity working in Latin America, West Africa and the Middle East. Dedicated to combating poverty and oppression, we have a special focus on human rights. Our mission is to support the most vulnerable communities so that they are able to guide or change their lives for the better. We work by sending skilled professionals to share their skills and expertise during long-term volunteer placements. Whilst we work with the most disadvantaged groups, we know from experience that disabled people, children, and women are most in need of support and solidarity.


Registered charity
No. 1114974
Ka Tutandike Trust UK

Ka Tutandike Trust UK was set up in 2006 to support projects in Uganda around early childhood development, children's literacy and disability. Our sister office, Ka Tutandike (Uganda) which is based in Kampala is responsible for identifying, managing and developing programmes that will give children the best start in life, and which contribute to the inclusion of disabled people in society.


Registered charity
No. 218186
Leonard Cheshire Disability

Leonard Cheshire Disability supports over 21,000 disabled people in the UK and works in 55 countries around the world. We campaign for change and provide innovative services that give disabled people the opportunity to live life their way. Our services are wide ranging and include day and residential care homes, care at home, resource centres, rehabilitation, respite care and training and assistance for those looking for work. International services include inclusive education for disabled children, training and research to aid recovery in post-conflict and post-disaster countries, and improving access to advice and small business loans. Campaigning is a very important part of our work. Our Creature Discomforts campaign aims to challenge the way people think about and respond to disability in order to remove the barriers faced by disabled people. Registered Charity Number 218186


Registered charity
No. 1053055 Scotland (SC039743)
Mercy Ships

Mercy Ships is an international charity that provides free medical and humanitarian services to the people of Africa using its hospital ship, the Africa Mercy. In the developing world, lack of access to basic health care can have horrific results. Mercy Ships freely provides relief to the forgotten poor - saving lives, improving quality of life and restoring hope.

The Africa Mercy is the world's largest non-governmental hospital ship - staffed with volunteer doctors, nurses, engineers and agriculturists - that visits ports in some of the world's poorest countries. Doctors, surgeons and nurses onboard provide free medical and surgical services, while off ship teams help local communities develop sustainable water, sanitation and education programmes.

For further information on Mercy Ships please visit www.mercyships.org.uk or call 01438 727800.


Registered charity
No. 1079358
The Motivation Charitable Trust

Motivation works in partnership with a range of organisations to implement projects that enhance the lives of people with mobility disabilities in developing countries. By ensuring that disabled people have the skills to run the programmes that are of benefit to them, the mobility products and services it develops are always tailored to the needs of each community.


Registered charity
No. 1081952
Nepal Leprosy Trust

NLT is a Christian organization that provides medical and rehabilitation services to people affected by leprosy in Nepal. NLT also works with poor rural communities in development and poverty alleviation. Lalgadh Hospital (GoogleEarth 26d59m27sN, 85d55mE) is a project of NLT and has treated over 20,000 cases of leprosy to date.


Registered charity
No. 1060081
New Israel Fund



Registered charity
No. 1061352

There are 45 million blind people in the world. 80% of these cases are avoidable and 90% live in developing countries. A cure is often simple and inexpensive, but in the world?s poorest countries even basic medical help is frequently out of reach. ORBIS is a global charity, dedicated to preserving and restoring the sight of the poorest people in the poorest communities across the world. Through innovative programmes and partnerships, ORBIS creates long-term, lasting solutions to prevent and cure blindness worldwide. We provide the tools, training and technology for local doctors and health care professionals to develop solutions to tackle avoidable blindness in their own countries. By building long-term capabilities in eye care institutions, ORBIS supports its partners in providing quality eye care services that are affordable, accessible and ultimately sustainable


Registered charity
No. 1059996
Power International

POWER International works with all people with disabilities in poorer countries of the world, assisting and empowering them to participate fully in society. This may involve providing mobility devices (artificial limbs etc), self-employment opportunities, training, awareness-raising, and other tools for self-reliance. We have nationwide programmes in partnership with local disability organisations, in Mozambique and Zambia, and Laos in SE Asia.


Registered charity
No. 1011420

The Trust gives welfare and benevolence grants to Gurkhas, ex Gurkhas (in UK and Nepal) and their families in times of need, as well as helping to preserve The Queen's Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment's esprit de corps and ethos.


Registered charity
No. 291991
Saga Charitable Trust

The Saga Charitable Trust supports sustainable projects in developing countries that host Saga holidaymakers. By working closely with local communities, the Trust is able to make a real difference, especially in healthcare, education, training and small business enterprise.


Registered charity
No. SC032670
Scottish Society of One Armed Golfers

It has over 200 members worlwide, and its aim is to provide and premote golf to individuals with Arm defects. It aims to encourage participation in golf at all levels, to increase worldwide awareness. It has helped and continues to help people with Arm defects, whether from birth or accident.


Registered charity
No. 1076497
Sense International

Sense International's mission is to ensure that deafblind people throughout the world receive the education and services they need to develop their talents and play a valued role in society.


Registered charity
No. 1120943
Shepherd Food Ministries

Shepherd Food Ministries relieves hunger among widows, disabled, orphans etc through farm projects in Nigeria and Africa. It runs Health Clinics offering health check and advice. It runs Centre for capacity building offering career counselling and loan advice. Experience the wonders of giving by sponsoring a seed for just £1.


Registered charity
No. 207544

Sightsavers is an international charity that works with partners to eliminate avoidable blindness and promote equality of opportunity for disabled people in the developing world.

Founded in 1950, the charity works with a range of local partners, in 34 developing countries. They provide specialist treatment and eye care and support blind people by providing education, counseling and training.

75% of blindness around the world could be easily avoided. 90% of children who are blind don?t go to school. Sightsavers is working through local organisations to change this.


Registered charity
No. 1013870
Sound Seekers - The Commonwealth Society For The Deaf

Sound Seekers aims to alleviate the disabling effects of ear disease leading to hearing impairments and deafness. It focuses on children and adults living in the urban and rural areas of developing Commonwealth countries. It achieves its aims by increasing awareness of and assisting in the prevention and treatment of hearing loss.


Registered charity
No. 1132615

StandProud provides: * Medical Services (surgeries) * Leg Braces * Rehabilitation * Education to children and youth living with disabilities in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Registered charity
No. 235829
Take Heart India

Take Heart is a youth run charity focused on practical education projects in India. Take Heart aims to find and develop the talent and potential in every individual we work with. We are relatively unique in the charity sector for two reasons: 1. We do not employ a single person which means that 100% of proceeds are directed out to our education projects in India. 2. We run with the leitmotiv ?Work builds, charity destroys?. Rather than giving money we aim to empower people through practical education. Although Take Heart was founded in 1963, in 2004 the charity was renewed with a youthful drive and targeted focus. Since 2004 Take Heart has built an English language and IT school that has provided real job opportunities to over 1000 students. It costs just £37 for us to train a blind student in IT skills that will guarantee them a job for life. Your support in whatever way is greatly appreciated and is sure to have a positive impact on the lives of the less fortunate. Take Heart, Take Action...


Registered charity
No. 1098771

ThePromise pioneers new ways of supporting children with disabilities in Russia both in the community and within the orphanage system. It introduced the widely acclaimed pre-school education system called Portage into a Russian Baby Home, providing a model of best practice which has now been rolled out into the community and other institutions.


Registered charity
No. XR58379
Vision of Good Hope

Vision of Good Hope Moldova has built an orphanage in Moldova where 25 children live. It has also supported a Baptist pastor in a village called Lapusna for the past 8 years. The charity plans to build more orphanages in the future.


Registered charity
No. XN73968
Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle Belfast

Our Vision: Simply a return to the old time faith. A return to first century apostolicism: -preaching and teaching the scriptures, -being led by the Spirit, -exalting the name of the Lord Jesus Christ -carrying out the great commission Christ gave to the disciples. Unless we get back to the pattern the First Century Church gave us, there is no future. That is our Vision and Mission.


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