Raised: 90%

Target: £3,865.00
Raised so far: £3,497.00

Project run by

Hope Ofiriha, Oslo, Norwayhttp://www.ofiriha.org

Projects provided by global giving

Projects on JustGiving are provided in partnership with GlobalGiving UK. Donations to projects are subject to the same 10% fee as they are on GlobalGiving. Find out how this works

Educate Children and Fight Poverty in South Sudan

This project builds a school in Omilling Magwi County Sudan to enable the children from remote mountainous areas to receive primary education.

What is the problem the project is addressing?

The only school Omilling has to serve several thousand elementary-aged students is a small two-room temporary shack made out of twigs. The shack, used for early elementary, has no text books and no pit latrines (giving the school grounds an unpleasant odor). Once children pass their exams to start primary 4, they must trek eight hours round trip on foot through the wild bush to the nearest primary school, which is 70 kilometers away. Almost no families allow their daughters to make this trek.

How will this project solve the problem?

Our Mairo Primary School Project will build a school (made with soil blocks and thatched roofs) providing free primary education. Built in 4 phases, it will have 8 classrooms, 8 teachers homes, 2 toilet blocks, a library, an office, and a store.

What is the potential long-term impact of this project?

The project gives kids a ticket out of poverty. Educated girls can eventually give their own families a good start in life. Educated boys can escape a family cycle of hard labor. This will ripple to their families and community.

Jun 26 2012

We need 250 Bags Cement

William Logai Ochieng

Thanks for your recent generous gift to Educate Children and Fight Poverty in South Sudan.

Your commitment to help the needy to get liberated from extreme poverty is really appreciated by our trustees, and those who benefit most- the Children!

Your donation will buy 25 bags of cements, and 10 iron sheets for roofing. Currently, HOPE Ofiriha only buys cement to produce interlocking soil blocks.

A project targets to make 60 000 pieces interlocking blocks. A bag of cement mixes with 8 wheelbarrow of sub-soil produces 105 pieces.

We need 572 bags of cement for the entire construction; the activities are on hold while fundraising is running. The production of blocks is not started because we need 250 bags of cement to begin. The children are really eager to see this progress progressing.

While this project is under implementation, we will be sending you our quarterly reports about our worker. You will get to know what your donation has helped impact, and what we have achieved.

Once again, thank you for all you do for Hope Ofiriha.


Mar 18 2012

March 2012:Field Report

William Logai Ochieng

Thanks for your recent generous gift to: Educate Children and Fight Poverty in South Sudan.

Your commitment to helping the women and children getting from extreme poverty is appreciated by our Board, and those who benefit most – the children!

Your donation will be used to purchase 50 bags of cement for making interlocking soil Blocks for building. You help raised $3,563, and still fundraising is ongoing far from reaching project’s goal. The children are eager for a school to be built on permanent structures so they get an education to escape poverty.

Meanwhile, we will keep you updated on our quarterly reporting and monthly news via our website throughout 2012.

Once again, thank you for all you do for Hope Ofiriha.




Dec 27 2011

Thank You for Your Support!

William Logai Ochieng

I’m Akello Susan, a new Field Coordinator. I will be sending you project updates from the ground throughout 2012. Read more

Hope Ofiriha would like to thank our donors for your ongoing support. Because of your generosity, we have raised over $77,234 since 2009 to operate 14 small –scale projects in South Sudan and Uganda.

As we head to a new year, we ask that you please keep Hope Ofiriha in mind for year-end donations. We’re currently raising money to fund a clean water hand pump and Mairo School building projects that will benefits children in South Sudan. Whether your giving is influenced by the spirit of the season giving, tax planning or a desire to contribute to a great cause, your gift will make a tremendous difference in the lives of those who will benefit from these projects.

By making your year-end donation to Hope Ofiriha via the “Donate Now” button on our GlobalGiving page, you can help us fight extreme poverty.

I wish you a Happy New Year from Hope Ofiriha!


Nov 17 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from Hope Ofiriha

William Logai Ochieng

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the United States and around the world!

In celebration of Thanksgiving Day, Hope Ofiriha understands the observance of these festive family holidays that commemorates “United States’ rich mix cultures and traditions reflecting the blessings and sacrifices made by your forefathers”.

 Hope Ofiriha wishes to send a most sincere thank you to all our supporters, donors, child Sponsor, partners, volunteers, and everyone else playing a role in our success. Together, we are making a huge difference in the lives of South Sudanese women and children struggling to rebuild a better future for themselves, their families, and their community.

Enjoy this special day of Thanksgiving and remember that we could not do this work without all the ways you help us. We’re so thankful for everything you do!


Oct 04 2011

Combating poverty through education

Mr.William Logai Ochieng

Omilling's former child-soldier problem is a complicated one!

Astrid Wang and Lunde Arneberg from the Oslo School of Architecture & Design are returning to Omilling to construct Mario primary school in November. The plan A – is to build one classroom, girl-pit latrine, and a teacher’s house. They are busy re-designing the school’s structure to match village’s standard.

Fighting against decades of marginalization and intense state of poverty that spawn the practice, it is sometimes hard to imagine there is a way to help. Funding school building may seem like a small thing to do when thousands of children are living in such a hard conditions, but this school provide more than an education. It provides hope, dignity, and a sense of well-being. But most of all, it brings the new-beginning into the lives of these precious former child-soldiers.

Hundreds of former child-soldiers find hope in the fact that they attend school each week. For many it is their escape from a harsh reality. They are getting an education that will help them get a job one day and keep them from being marginalized.

Ten in 10 girls in Omilling cannot read and write. And only one out of 300 girls in Omilling is at Juba University.

Omilling builds a school for the first time in the village’s history. But they lack the building materials. Could you consider helping to build Mairo primary school?

What will you give?

  • Cement to make soil blocks -$10
  • Timbers and nails -20
  • Corrugated iron sheets - $25
  • A door & a frame -250
  • A window & a frame -$200
  • 100 bags builds 4 classrooms - $887

Hope Ofiriha has purchased15 additional bags of cement with the funding you donated.  These cements are in the store.

Oct 03 2011

Combating poverty through education

Mr.William Logai Ochieng

Omilling former child-soldier problem is a complicated one!

Astrid Wang and Lunde Arneberg from the Oslo School of Architecture & Design are returning to Omilling to construct Mario primary school in November. The plan A – is to build one classroom, girl-pit latrine, and a teacher’s house. They are busy re-designing the school’s structure to match village’s standard.

Fighting against decades of marginalization and intense state of poverty that spawn the practice, it is sometimes hard to imagine there is a way to help. Funding school building may seem like a small thing to do when thousands of children are living in such a hard conditions, but this school provide more than an education. It provides hope, dignity, and a sense of well-being. But most of all, it brings the new-beginning into the lives of these precious former child-soldiers.

Hundreds of former child-soldiers find hope in the fact that they attend school each week. For many it is their escape from a harsh reality. They are getting an education that will help them get a job one day and keep them from being marginalized.

10-in- 10 girls in Omilling cannot read and write. And only one-out- of- 300 girls in Omilling is at Juba University.

Omilling builds a school for the first time in the village’s history. But they lack the building materials. Could you consider helping to build Mairo primary school?

What will you give?

  • Cement to make soil blocks -$10
  • Timbers and nails -20
  • Corrugated iron sheets - $25
  • A door & a frame -250
  • A window & a frame -$200
  • 100 bags builds 4 classrooms - $887

Hope Ofiriha has purchased15 additional bags of cement with the funding you donated.  These cements are in the store.



Jul 25 2011

Give Omilling Children Education

Mr.William Logai Ochieng

Hope Ofiriha has purchased 30 bags (50Kg) of cement with the donated money by our GlobalGiving donors. These cements are in the stores awaiting the construction to start soon.

Work on the Mario Primary School—which will give hope to war orphans, former child soldiers, and other vulnerable children in Omilling village—is racing along! I recently met with Astrid Rohde Wang and Olav Lunde Arneberg, two students from The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, who have volunteered to redesign the school’s structure at village Standard.

For several months nothing was happening on the project, keeping the door closed for hundreds of vulnerable children to ever receive an education. Behind the scenes, the Hope Ofiriha team was busy working to find out why this valuable cause is failing to attract support.

The draft plan taken to Omilling village in February had to be changed after we consulted with the Education Ministry at Torit. By March 15, we had a full set of revised plans. Also, 65 percent of our supporters said the current “designed school structure” is not good at the village level, so they were hesitant to support it.

Besides redesigning the school structure, Astrid and Olav will travel to Omilling village in August 10 to meet with villagers and study the physical features of the donated plot where the school will be built. They want to make sure the villagers are involved in the design process so they have ownership of the project from day one. The two students will redesign the structure to meet the local physical conditions, and the final product will reflect Omilling village’s living standards.

We also plan to break the Mairo Primary School project on GlobalGiving into phases to garner more support.

Our fingers are crossed all these changes will keep the recent momentum up. Not only did we find the two new volunteers this month, the Technology Development and Advisory Unit at the University of Zambia donated a hand-press interlocking soil block machine to build the Mario Primary School. Good news!

Thanks to the University of Zambia and big thanks to Astrid and Olav for connecting Hope Ofiriha with The Oslo School of Architecture and Design!




May 09 2011

Recurring Donation Campaign & Field updates

Ms Linda Acen Abili

$10 - buys 50 kg bag of cement to produce 70 soil blocks for building Mairo Primary School!

The Technology Development and Advisory Unit at the University of Zambia has donated a hand-press interlocking soil block machine to Hope Ofiriha to build the Mario Primary School. The donation—which ultimately will help educate hundreds of war orphans, former child soldiers, and other vulnerable children—is wonderful in so many ways!

Production of interlocking soil-compressed blocks is environmentally friendly because very little water and cement and no firewood are used to make them. It is also much cheaper than buying and transporting manufactured ones because they are produced locally with local soil and eliminate the need for mortar.

The donated machine includes an integrated mould and compression lever with two double channels for support, and a manual for operation and building techniques. The university also trained me for two days in soil selection, production, and curing of soil block techniques. Hope Ofiriha paid for the machine’s transportation, custom clearance, and freight costs.

Thanks to the University of Zambia for this fabulous donation, thanks to Monica, our communications consultant, for going above and beyond the call of duty in expanding our global outreach, and thanks to GlobalGiving for exposing this need to a worldwide audience.

We are looking for 200 people to sign up for recurring monthly donation of $10 each. Say if 200 people sign up for recurring donation, Hope Ofiriha will collect each month $2000 to build Mairo Primary School. This is a worthwhile project and we need your help to make it a reality.

Our donors have contributed $210 but still we need more funds! We are optimistic more donors will be joining us along the way.

We are really glad you are with us and Hope Ofiriha looks forward in working with you until this project achieves it goals. In the next three months we will bring you a new project update to tell you how the fundraising activities is going and if we start building the school.

This report was written by William Ochieng, and  Monica, our communication consultant.

On May 2, 2011 GlobalGiving Recurring Donation begins at 12:01 am EDT! This is a great opportunity for you to sign up for monthly recurring donations only $10.

Why recurring donations?
Recurring donations are a consistent and reliable source of income for our organization. This helps us in planning our activities several months ahead. 

By making a recurring donation, you pledge to give to your project every month. GlobalGiving will automatically deduct the donation amount from your credit card each month.

Hope Ofiriha appreciates that you give monthly only $10 than to donate $120 in December as one time gift.  $10 each month is a lot of money and it will go a long way to make a huge difference in South Sudan and Uganda. In Hope Ofiriha there are no small or big amounts. Every cents count!

 GlobalGiving is giving away $12,000 in bonus awards during this campaign!  

Here are the main reasons why you should consider signing up for monthly recurring donations to Hope Ofiriha;

  • The top 20 projects that receive the most new unique recurring donors will each be awarded a $500 bonus.
  • One project that raises the highest donation amount per month from recurring donations will be awarded $1,000.
  • One project that attracts the most new unique recurring donors will be awarded an additional $1,000 (for a total of $1,500!).
  • Projects must have at least 10 new unique recurring donors to be eligible for bonus awards.

The final results of this campaign will be adjudicated in August 2011. Bonuses will be awarded based on the amount raised and the number of unique recurring donors at this time. In some cases, projects may forfeit bonus awards if donors cancel their recurring donations before the awards are given.

Mar 04 2011

Fighting poverty through education

Linda Acen Abili

Have you ever looked at the pictures of starving school building and felt powerless to help?

 On 08- Feb - 2011 president Omer al-Bashir, issued a republican decree accepting the final results of referendum, which supports the separation of the South into an independent state. North and South Sudan are presently engaged in talks to resolve the sensitive issues, which includes sharing of oil revenues, demarcation of boarders, and the contested oil-rich Abyei region.

How can you be sure that your money reaches the destination and will it make any difference?

These are feelings and concerns that we have shared, but we believe that by starting small we can make a big difference.

To keep up the momentum of this school building project we need 200 people to give $10 each – or more on regular basis. Could you be one of these, please? If so please donate to “Educate Children and Fight poverty In South Sudan” – through GlobalGiving on monthly basis or one time donation

While most charities focus on trying to transform a whole country, HOPE OFIRIHA wants to begin by changing one village for the better. Our vision sees the Omilling village being turned into a self-sustaining community that can act as an inspiration to others. Currently, the average village man/woman earns almost no income a week, lives in a mud hut and has no personal possessions. There is no health care and very few children will receive an education.

They go to school barefoot and sit on not comfortable wood bench. The walls of their classrooms are wide open and threatened with closure. These are the fortunate ones. The rest have no hope and no future.

Currently, 2018 children ready for primary school; unfortunately, there are no schools in Omiling village. If we don’t have help them, they will not get an education. Also, there are no government developmental activities at place in Omilling village.

That can change;
With only $10 from each donor given to Mairo school building project, the whole community can benefit. For a start, your money will help to pay for the 200 (50kg-bags) of cements to make soil blocks to build the school, increasing their chances of a future career, which will benefit the local economy. But also a portion of it will go towards supporting the child's family - the parents and children who are not able to go to school. There is extreme poverty in Omilling village.

This approach aims to empower the families to play a role in their community at the same time as preparing their children for the future. As more money is put into the community we believe that other areas in the Magwi County will also feel the impact.

We believe that a little can do a lot; Please help us make the people of Omilling village believe that too.

We thank you for your support in 2010 and will continue to partner with you for years to come until we reach the goal of this project is reach.

This report is written by William Ochieng - on his last trip to Omilling Village before the referendum on January 9th 2011.

Thanks for joining hands with Hope Ofiriha!










Mar 02 2011

Fighting poverty through education

Linda Acen Abili

Have you ever looked at the pictures of starving school building and felt powerless to help?

 On 08- Feb - 2011 president Omer al-Bashir, issued a republican decree accepting the final results of referendum, which supports the separation of the South into an independent state. North and South Sudan are presently engaged in talks to resolve the sensitive issues, which includes sharing of oil revenues, demarcation of boarders, and the contested oil-rich Abyei region.

How can you be sure that your money reaches the destination and will it make any difference?

These are feelings and concerns that we have shared, but we believe that by starting small we can make a big difference.

 To keep up the momentum of this school building project we need 200 people to give $10 each – or more on regular basis. Could you be one of these, please? If so please donate to “Educate Children and Fight poverty In South Sudan” – through GlobalGiving on monthly basis or one time donation

While most charities focus on trying to transform a whole country, HOPE OFIRIHA wants to begin by changing one village for the better. Our vision sees the Omilling village being turned into a self-sustaining community that can act as an inspiration to others. Currently, the average village man/woman earns almost no income a week, lives in a mud hut and has no personal possessions. There is no health care and very few children will receive an education.

They go to school barefoot and sit on not comfortable wood bench. The walls of their classrooms are wide open and threatened with closure. These are the fortunate ones. The rest have no hope and no future.

Currently, 2018 children ready for primary school; unfortunately, there are no schools in Omiling village. If we don’t have help them, they will not get an education. Also, there are no government developmental activities at place in Omilling village.

That can change;
With only $10 from each donor given to Mairo school building project, the whole community can benefit. For a start, your money will help to pay for the 200 (50kg-bags) of cements to make soil blocks to build the school, increasing their chances of a future career, which will benefit the local economy. But also a portion of it will go towards supporting the child's family - the parents and children who are not able to go to school. There is extreme poverty in Omilling village.

This approach aims to empower the families to play a role in their community at the same time as preparing their children for the future. As more money is put into the community we believe that other areas in the Magwi County will also feel the impact.

We believe that a little can do a lot; Please help us make the people of Omilling village believe that too.

We thank you for your support in 2010 and will continue to partner with you for years to come until we reach the goal of this project is reach.

This report is written by William Ochieng - on his last trip to Omilling Village before the referendum on January 9th 2011.

Thanks for joining hands with Hope Ofiriha!










Nov 30 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Holidays- fieldprogress report

Linda Acen Abili

No education – poverty wins.  If you know anybody to fund this project connect us to the donor.

Hope Ofiriha needs financial help to build Mairo primary school in Omilling village. There are 2018 children who are growing without education. But due to economic recession Hope Ofiriha faces a hard time to secure the funding. But our fundraising Team remained strong and optimistic!

The funding Hope Ofiriha is seeking would build a school on permanent structures, and this will be a key element in improving the education of the villages for the children that attend will the school.

Money must be donated by end of January 2011 for the project to build one classroom for children under the age of 8 years old. This will be added to $35 Hope Ofiriha has received to date from our UK/USA GlobalGiving donors. The construction will start once funding is available.

 Once again thanks for your ongoing support, and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving Holidays. Hope Ofiriha looks forward in working with you for years to come.

Sep 08 2010

Field progress report - Sept

Ms.Linda Acen

The Omilling rural area has needed a primary school for a very long time. The local children walk 24 km to the nearest primary school each morning and then 24km home again in the evening. Then Omilling community realized that building a primary school must be a priority for the area, and future generations. The school will be located in a beautiful area on the slope of ONURA hill and the site covers an area of approximately 400 acres. We started making the access road and clearing the site in march 2009, and building work will start soon when the funding is secured. Building a school in Omilling has been an enormous undertaking and raising the funds has been a struggle. We are hopeful that with the help of our GlobalGiving donors we will get the funding to give an education to children from the local area. We will use soil stabilized blocks, which is a new technology for the area. We trained a team of six people to make the soil blocks: a mixture of subsoil, cement, and a little water to make 50 soil blocks from five wheelbarrows of soil and one bag of cement. The soil block making team can make about 360 soil blocks per day. As the soil blocks are strong enough for constructing the foundations for the buildings, the community has provided traditional burnt bricks for this purpose.

This is a large worthwhile project and we urgently need the funds. We are will be posting progress update in the next three months keep you inform of the progress we are making.

Thanks for your ongoing support!

Jul 06 2010

First field progress Mairo primary school

Linda Acen

Until recently, there were no educational facilities for poor mountain children living in central Omilling community. HopeOfiriha established a fully functioning temporary school on local structures in ONURA sub village for 315 children age 7-12. HopeOfiriha applied for funding from GlobalGiving to build a school on permanent structures. But the fundraising effort has been too slow due to current global recession.

We are appealing to anybody, a company, and family, to help us in fundraising efforts. If you know anybody who want to help the poor you can direct to HopeOfiriha or give their contact address. The poor children need an education but they have no way unless they are help.

The community has donated 35000 soil block, and 200 acres of land where the school will be built. The school will be built in cooperation with Magwi county local government, Lofiriha Traditional Authority, and County Education officer and the local Chiefs. Once the facility is build it will provide a much a need opportunity for local pupils from the surrounding villages who are going without school presently. We urgently need money! What can we do?

Quote from head master of ONURA Primary School: If there is anything I can do to help these poor children, I will build them a school and through education they will be able to help themselves, their communities and families.

We look forward that our supporters will work with us in this worthwhile project until it aims are fully realized. Thanks, Linda Acen