
What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid increases the value of donations to charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) by allowing them to reclaim basic rate tax on a donation. Gift Aid currently stands at 25%.

Gift aid question

How JustGiving can help your charity

Choosing to process your donations online means that twice as much Gift Aid goes directly to your charity - 85% of donations on JustGiving are eligible for Gift Aid (compared to 43% offline).

We can reclaim Gift Aid on all eligible donations made through JustGiving and pay it to you every month. You fill in one form and we take care of the rest.

85% of donations on JustGiving are eligible for Gift Aid (compared to 43% offline)

Reduce your Gift Aid admin

  • Our fast, automatic reclaim means extra income is guaranteed for your charity. And you’ll get it quickly – our turnaround time is 25 days.
  • Reporting in your secure JustGiving account makes it easy to track your Gift Aid payments.
  • You don’t have to spend time filling in lots of forms.

Automatic reclaim process

How to get your Gift Aid number

  • To claim Gift Aid, you must have a Gift Aid number which you get from the HMRC.
  • The HMRC Gift Aid Toolkit is a great resource to help you find out more about claiming Gift Aid.
  • Please note, claiming Gift Aid on donations made through JustGiving doesn't affect the way you claim Gift Aid elsewhere.

What's next?

Join JustGiving and get automatic Gift Aid reclaim.

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