Why start fundraising online?

The potential for your charity to increase your income through online fundraising is huge.

And we can help.

Only 41% of charities with an income under £1m fundraise online, compared to 77% of charities with an income over £10m. Is your charity missing out?

Income: 41% Income less than £1m, 77% Income more than £10m

You’ll increase your income

Research shows charities raise an average of £10 online for every £1 spent on direct costs.

And people tend to be more generous online - the average online donation is £30 compared to £15 for offline.

Income options online collection or public collection

You’ll reach new supporters

The people most likely to use JustGiving are tricky to reach with offline marketing. They tend to be young professionals who are comfortable with new technology. They don’t have time to collect donations with sponsorship forms, but they’re passionate about fundraising.


You’ll benefit from automatic Gift Aid reclaim

A whopping 85% of all donations on JustGiving are eligible for Gift Aid, compared to only 43% offline. And we automatically reclaim every penny on your behalf.

Find out more about Gift Aid on JustGiving.

Gift Aid cycle

You’ll be where your supporters are

A third of people on JustGiving find us through social networks, and they’re looking for charities to support. The top trend for 2012 is the growth in people visiting JustGiving using their mobile - it’s one in five, and growing rapidly. We’ve made sure our sponsorship process looks great for mobile users, so they can support your fundraisers wherever they are.

Mobile Phones