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  • Engaging students through innovative teaching

    We inspire lasting change in the way students are taught by providing professional development programs that equip teachers with practical and effective teaching strategies that engage students in meaningful, academically challenging work.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £6,318.00

    Target: £72,073.00

  • Educate 200 War & HIV/AIDS-Orphaned Ugandan Girl

    200 girls will be withdrawn from exploitative work and provided with education, lunch, school materials, school uniforms and vocational start up kits. Counseling support, school and home visits and basic health care will be offered.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £15,760.00

    Target: £28,740.00

  • Give the Gift of Music to Under-Served Students

    MHOF donates needed instruments to school music programs that struggle to stay active, so that more students can play and benefit from active music making.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £14,890.00

    Target: £348,707.00

  • Israeli-Palestinian Interfaith Encounter of 80

    Intensive 2 day retreat: 3 sessions of joint interfaith conversation - from the perspectives of the 3 religions and around retreat's theme, prayer session, social evening and joint meals and stay. Ends with evaluation and planning for the future.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £1,519.00

    Target: £6,490.00

  • Free & Sustainable Secondary Education, Guatemala

    By providing free schooling and vocational skills we can ensure these indigenous communities get the same opportunities as everyone else. With very small contributions from families and graduates, the school will then become sustainable.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £15,748.00

    Target: £15,271.00

  • Community Development Through IT Training In Rio

    Our educational programs provide social and IT skills training. At our service center, graduates and students put these skills to use in through jobs/internships; the computer services offered increase the income earning potential of the community.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £6,682.00

    Target: £9,131.00

  • Give Cambodian Young Adult orphans independence

    Workshops on Health issues, domestic science, cash management, jobs & careers, sex education, IT skills, English, plus general skills such as decision making & self-awareness. A guardian in the early years of independence.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £3,420.00

    Target: £21,005.00

  • Provide Education to 20 Disabled Nepali Children

    NYOF identifies blind, deaf, and physically disabled children who could not go to school without NYOF's support, gives them scholarships to schools that teach them to be iindependent, and provides housing or transportation to schools as needed.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £1,119.00

    Target: £4,052.00

  • Support a TCF school in Pakistan for a year

    TCF produces its own in-house enhanced version of the state curriculum, as well as teaching-aids, books and student materials. English is introduced from Class I (age 5), far in advance of government curriculum requirements.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £5,902.00

    Target: £8,900.00

  • Educate Children and Fight Poverty in South Sudan

    Our Mairo Primary School Project will build a school (made with soil blocks and thatched roofs) providing free primary education. Built in 4 phases, it will have 8 classrooms, 8 teachers homes, 2 toilet blocks, a library, an office, and a store.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £3,497.00

    Target: £3,865.00

  • Support Orphans and Disadvatanged Children, India

    Despite trying to keep school fees to a bare minimum the school has seen high drop out rates as communities struggle to survive, we will alleviate these issues so education becomes more accessible to children providing opportunity for the future.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £641.00

    Target: £3,348.00

  • Give 100 Children a Primary School Education

    We aim to break the cycle of poverty by increasing access to education through scholarships for 100 vulnerable kids. We will support them all the way through primary school.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £5,869.00

    Target: £15,131.00

  • Send 50 Students to High School in Belize

    Ocean Academy provides financial support to 85% of students through scholarships, tuition bartering, and work study. Free tutoring, small classes, and individualized attention build core skills and empower students to believe in their futures.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £14,828.00

    Target: £21,808.00

  • More than Just Scholarships in Rural Ecuador

    By providing free schooling and vocational skills we can ensure these indigenous communities get the same opportunities as everyone else. With very small contributions from families and graduates, the school will then become sustainable.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £5,727.00

    Target: £10,181.00

  • Sustainable Education and Training, Rural Honduras

    Further education should not just be for those living in urban areas. This programme provides the same opportunities as everyone in rural areas. With very small contributions from families and graduates, the school will then become sustainable.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £4,911.00

    Target: £10,181.00

  • Empowering Poor, Rural Girls in Paraguay

    The school strives to produce graduates who are100% employable and/or bound for higher education. The boarding school equips the participants with practical and entrepreneurial experiences, technical training, and the ability to sustain a higher socio-economic status over the long run.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £15,142.00

    Target: £66,544.00

  • Scholarships for Outstanding Students in Argentina

    Funds cover tuition, books, school supplies, and other costs related to the student's education (this may include transportation, meals, clothes, etc). Detailed expense reports and students' progress are communicated to donors quarterly.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £18,463.00

    Target: £25,453.00

  • Help disadvantaged Bengali children + young people

    Our partners at the New Life Centre address these needs by providing a very high standard of primary education at low cost, along with developing vocational training programmes in a number of disciplines for local young people.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £665.00

    Target: £6,910.00

  • Mirge School Environment Improvement Program

    ECCA facilitates the community and school to develop vision for an improved environment condition in school. This will positive impact on the quality of teaching and learning and provides same educational opportunities available in bigger cities.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £3,583.00

    Target: £31,492.00

  • Learning Centers for Rural Afghan Women in Herat

    Literacy, English, and income-generating skills classes are offered at the Women's Learning Centers in Herat, Afghanistan to over 7,000 students a year.

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    Registered charity No. 1122823


    Raised: £21,531.00

    Target: £30,428.00