Start fundraising with JustTextGiving today:
- Log in to start fundraising
- Create your free JustTextGiving code
- Promote it
- Receive text donations to your JustGiving page
Why use JustTextGiving?
It’s quick and easy
Anyone can create a JustTextGiving code - it’s easy. Just make your fundraising page today.
You’ll attract more donations
Any of the 50 million mobile phone users in the UK can sponsor you anytime, anywhere.
It’s free
Text messages are free to send on all networks.
Download your free support pack

Add your code to poster and letter templates that you can personalise online. All you need to do then is download and print them. Download your support pack
See JustTextGiving in action
JustTextGiving Competition
JustGivingTV - 1,824 views -
The Bald Mountain Crusade
cozzie1967 - 5,201 views -
10 Cool fundraising ideas with JustTextGiving
simonpainter - 2,238 views
Can you tell your **** from your elbow?
bigdavesb - 133 views -
JustTextGiving Compilation
cozzie1967 - 5,201 views -
JustTextGiving - A sweet way to donate
TheYoYoTu... - 133 views