What's different about In Memory fundraising on JustGiving?

  • For the first time, you can link all the event and In Memory fundraising that your supporters are doing, whether they are running a marathon or simply collecting donations.
  • If your supporters have any questions, they can contact our team seven days a week. Our advisors are specially trained in supporting In Memory fundraisers and donors.
  • Finally, don’t spend your charity’s time and money creating your own solution. It’s already here, on a secure site that your supporters trust.

In memory laptop

How to start using JustGiving In Memory

  1. Direct your supporters to your dedicated In Memory page on JustGiving: www.justgiving.com/yourcharityname/remember

  2. Your supporters create and share their In Memory pages, and can remember together through an In Memory Collection page.

  3. Track all your supporters activity through your existing JustGiving reports.

What's next?

Your supporters can use JustGiving In Memory right away. Find out how in your In Memory guide

what's next?