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Join the JustGiving Team

When we recruit, we’re not just looking for talented individuals (although that matters too). We’re looking for talented people who echo our values and truly want to make a difference.

So if that sounds like you, check out our current openings on the Job Board on the right. If you think you’d be a fantastic fit for any of these, or any other roles within our team, email us at [email protected]. Make sure you include your CV and a note telling us why you’re just right for JustGiving.

So why work at JustGiving?

We love what we do. We take real pride in JustGiving. We believe strongly in it, and in everything we do.

We work for the best online users, ever. We're constantly in awe of the people and charities raising funds through our website - they do the most amazing and inspiring things.

Your ideas count. We always get to voice our opinions. We like to take risks and learn just as much from our failures as we do from our success.

Accountability keeps us structured. There's not much bureaucracy here and we're not interested in unnecessary hierarchy. All of the JustGiving team knows what each other does. That focus keeps everyone accountable, responsible, on time and on target.

We have real conversations.  We believe teams work best when there are plenty of honest, adult conversations in real time. Our fresh approach to helping each other perform at our best was recently featured in The Times (reprinted here) and a white paper report by the Mind Gym.

We like change. If something can be done better, we'll always call it out and act as fast as we can to change it.

We have fun. We're friends around here. We like going out for lunch and going to the pub. People tend to stay here for a long time, because they like their colleagues as much as their job.