Laura Bland’s profile.

Fundraising on JustGiving since 2010

So far,
I've raised £3643.50

My latest fundraising pages:

  • Jigsaw's Fundraising Page

    • Target: £500.00
    • Raised: £300.00
    • Donate now
  • Laura Bland's Fundraising Page

    • Event: Castle Donington
    • Target: £800.00
    • Raised: £845.00
    • Donate now
  • Jigsaw Solutions Fundraising Page

    • Event: NDCS Three Peaks Challenge
    • Target: £5000.00
    • Raised: £2042.00
    • Donate now
  • Jump for charity

    • Event: Parachute Jump
    • Target: £400.00
    • Raised: £456.50
    • Donate now

My recent charities:

  • Cancer Research UK

    Charity reg. no. in England and Wales 1089464, Scotland SC041666

    Cancer Research UK
  • The National Deaf Children's Society

    Charity reg. no. 1016532

    The National Deaf Children's Society
  • Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People

    Charity reg. no. 1014051

    Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People

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     Photos (4)

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